Class ShapeRasterizer

  • public class ShapeRasterizer
    extends Object
    Instances of this class are used to rasterize the outline of a java.awt.Shape.
    $Revision$ $Date$
    • Constructor Detail

      • ShapeRasterizer

        public ShapeRasterizer()
        Constructs a new rasterizer with a no affine transformation, a flatness of 1.0 and a bresenham line rasterizer.
        See Also:
      • ShapeRasterizer

        public ShapeRasterizer​(AffineTransform transform,
                               double flatness,
                               ShapeRasterizer.LineRasterizer lineRasterizer)
        Constructs a new rasterizer with the specified affine transformation, flatness and line rasterizer.
        transform - the affine transformation to be applied before a shape is rasterized. Can be null.
        flatness - the flatness of the rasterized outlines to be created.
        lineRasterizer - the rasterizing algorithm
    • Method Detail

      • getTransform

        public AffineTransform getTransform()
        Gets the affine transformation to be applied before a shape is rasterized.
        the affine transformation, can be null.
      • setTransform

        public void setTransform​(AffineTransform transform)
        Sets the affine transformation to be applied before a shape is rasterized.
        transform - the affine transformation to be applied before a shape is rasterized. Can be null.
      • getFlatness

        public double getFlatness()
        Gets the flatness of the of the rasterized outlines to be created.
        the flatness.
      • setFlatness

        public void setFlatness​(double flatness)
        Sets the flatness of the of the rasterized outlines to be created.
        flatness - the flatness.
      • setLineRasterizer

        public void setLineRasterizer​(ShapeRasterizer.LineRasterizer lineRasterizer)
        Sets the rasterizing algorithm.
        lineRasterizer - the rasterizing algorithm
      • rasterize

        public Point2D[] rasterize​(Shape shape)
        Rasterizes the given shape.
        shape - the shape to be rasterized
        an array of points representing the rasterized shape outline
      • rasterize

        public Point2D[] rasterize​(Point2D[] vertices)
        Rasterizes the given shape given as a vertices array.
        vertices - the shape to be rasterized given as vertices
        an array of points representing the rasterized shape outline
      • rasterize

        public Point2D[] rasterize​(Point2D[] vertices,
                                   int[] vertexIndexes)
        Rasterizes the given shape given as a vertices array. The method also stores the indeices of the original vertices in the given index array.
        vertices - the shape to be rasterized given as vertices
        vertexIndexes - if not null, the method stores the original vertex indices in this array
        an array of points representing the rasterized shape outline
      • getVertices

        public Point2D[] getVertices​(Shape shape)
        Converts the given shape into an array of vertices.
        shape - the shape
        the shape given as a vertices array