Class IntMap

    • Constructor Detail

      • IntMap

        public IntMap()
      • IntMap

        public IntMap​(int tableOffset,
                      int bufferSize)
    • Method Detail

      • getSize

        public int getSize()
      • putValue

        public void putValue​(int key,
                             int value)
      • removeValue

        public void removeValue​(int key)
      • getValue

        public int getValue​(int key)
      • getKeys

        public int[] getKeys()
        Gets the array of keys in this map, sorted in ascending order.
        the array of keys in the map
      • getPairs

        public int[][] getPairs()
        Gets the key/value pairs. The array is sorted in ascending key order.
        the key/value pairs with pairs[i] = {key, value}
      • getRanges

        public int[][] getRanges()
        Gets the key/value ranges.
        ranges = {{keyMin, keyMax}, {valueMin, valueMax}}