Class Guardian

  • public class Guardian
    extends Object
    This utility class which provides several static assertXXX methods which can be used to internally check the arguments passed to methods.

    All functions have been implemented with extreme caution in order to provide a maximum performance.

    $Revision$ $Date$
    • Constructor Detail

      • Guardian

        public Guardian()
    • Method Detail

      • assertTrue

        public static void assertTrue​(String message,
                                      boolean condition)
        Checks whether the given argument value is true. If not, an IllegalArgumentException is thrown with the given message text.

        This utility method is used to check arguments passed into methods:

         public void setOrigin(double[] point) {
             Guardian.assertTrue("point.length == 2 || point.length == 3", point.length == 2 || point.length == 3);
        message - the message text
        condition - the condition which must be true
        IllegalArgumentException - if condition is false
      • assertNotNull

        public static void assertNotNull​(String exprText,
                                         Object exprValue)
        Checks whether the given argument value is not null. If not, an IllegalArgumentException is thrown with a standardized message text using the supplied parameter name.

        This utility method is used to check arguments passed into methods:

         public void setBounds(Rectangle bounds) {
             Guardian.assertNotNull("bounds", bounds);
             _bounds = rect;
        exprText - the test expression as text
        exprValue - the test expression result
        IllegalArgumentException - if exprValue is null
      • assertNotNullOrEmpty

        public static void assertNotNullOrEmpty​(String exprText,
                                                String exprValue)
        Checks whether the given (parameter) value string is not null and not empty. If not, an IllegalArgumentException is thrown with a standardized message text using the supplied parameter name.

        This utility method is used to check arguments passed into methods:

         public void setProductId(String productId) {
             Guardian.assertNotNullOrEmpty("productId", productId);
             _productId = productId;
        exprText - the test expression as text
        exprValue - the test expression result
        IllegalArgumentException - if exprValue is null or an empty string
      • assertNotNullOrEmpty

        public static void assertNotNullOrEmpty​(String exprText,
                                                byte[] exprValue)
      • assertNotNullOrEmpty

        public static void assertNotNullOrEmpty​(String exprText,
                                                char[] exprValue)
      • assertNotNullOrEmpty

        public static void assertNotNullOrEmpty​(String exprText,
                                                short[] exprValue)
      • assertNotNullOrEmpty

        public static void assertNotNullOrEmpty​(String exprText,
                                                int[] exprValue)
      • assertNotNullOrEmpty

        public static void assertNotNullOrEmpty​(String exprText,
                                                float[] exprValue)
      • assertNotNullOrEmpty

        public static void assertNotNullOrEmpty​(String exprText,
                                                double[] exprValue)
      • assertNotNullOrEmpty

        public static void assertNotNullOrEmpty​(String exprText,
                                                Object[] exprValue)
      • assertGreaterThan

        public static void assertGreaterThan​(String exprText,
                                             long exprValue,
                                             long limit)
        Checks if the given value is greater than the given limit. If not, an IllegalArgumentException is thrown with a standardized message text using the supplied argument name.

        This utility method is used to check arguments passed into methods:

         public void setWeight(long weight) {
             Guardian.assertGreaterThan("weight", weight, 0);
             _weight = weight;
        exprText - the test expression as text
        exprValue - the test expression result
        limit - the lower limit for the expression result
        IllegalArgumentException - if the exprValue is less than or equal to limit
      • assertEquals

        public static void assertEquals​(String exprText,
                                        boolean exprValue,
                                        boolean expectedValue)
        Checks if the given values are equal. If not, an IllegalArgumentException is thrown with a standardized message text using the supplied message.

        This utility method is used to check arguments passed into methods:

         public void writeDataAtRegion(int x, inty, int w, int h, byte[] data) {
                                   data.length, w * h);
        exprText - the test expression as text
        exprValue - the test expression result
        expectedValue - the expected value
        IllegalArgumentException - if the exprValue is not equal to expectedValue
      • assertEquals

        public static void assertEquals​(String exprText,
                                        long exprValue,
                                        long expectedValue)
        Checks if the given values are equal. If not, an IllegalArgumentException is thrown with a standardized message text using the supplied message.

        This utility method is used to check arguments passed into methods:

         public void writeDataAtRegion(int x, inty, int w, int h, byte[] data) {
                                   data.length, w * h);
        exprText - the test expression as text
        exprValue - the test expression result
        expectedValue - the expected value
        IllegalArgumentException - if the exprValue is not equal to expectedValue
      • assertEquals

        public static void assertEquals​(String exprText,
                                        Object exprValue,
                                        Object expectedValue)
        Checks if the given objects are equal. If not, an IllegalArgumentException is thrown with a standardized message text using the supplied message.

        This utility method is used to check arguments passed into methods:

         public NewBandDialog(final Window parent, ProductNodeList products) {
             Guardian.assertNotNull("products", products);
             Guardian.assertEquals("not the expected element type", Product.class, products.getElemType());
        exprText - the test expression as text
        exprValue - the test expression result
        expectedValue - the expected value
        IllegalArgumentException - if the exprValue is not equal to expectedValue
      • assertSame

        public static void assertSame​(String exprText,
                                      Object exprValue,
                                      Object expectedValue)
        Checks if the given objects are the same instances. If not, an IllegalArgumentException is thrown with a standardized message text using the supplied message.

        This utility method is used to check arguments passed into methods:

         public NewBandDialog(final Window parent, ProductNodeList products) {
             Guardian.assertNotNull("products", products);
             Guardian.assertEquals("not the expected element type", Product.class, products.getElemType());
        exprText - the test expression as text
        exprValue - the actual value
        expectedValue - the expected value
        IllegalArgumentException - if the expected is not identical to actual
      • assertWithinRange

        public static void assertWithinRange​(String exprText,
                                             long exprValue,
                                             long rangeMin,
                                             long rangeMax)
        Checks if the given value are in the given range. If not, an IllegalArgumentException is thrown with a standardized message text using the supplied value name.

        This utility method is used to check arguments passed into methods:

         public void writeDataAtRegion(int x, inty, int w, int h, byte[] data) {
             Guardian.assertWithinRange("w", w, 0, data.length -1);
        exprText - the test expression as text
        exprValue - the expression result
        rangeMin - the range lower limit
        rangeMax - the range upper limit
        IllegalArgumentException - if the exprValue is less than rangeMin or greater than rangeMax
      • assertWithinRange

        public static void assertWithinRange​(String exprText,
                                             double exprValue,
                                             double rangeMin,
                                             double rangeMax)
        Checks if the given value are in the given range. If not, an IllegalArgumentException is thrown with a standardized message text using the supplied value name.

        This utility method is used to check arguments passed into methods:

         public void writeDataAtRegion(int x, inty, int w, int h, byte[] data) {
             Guardian.assertWithinRange("w", w, 0, data.length);
        exprText - the test expression as text
        exprValue - the expression result
        rangeMin - the range lower limit
        rangeMax - the range upper limit
        IllegalArgumentException - if the exprValue is less than rangeMin or greater than rangeMax