Class RasterDataNodeOpImage

    • Field Summary

      • Fields inherited from class

        cache, cobbleSources, OP_COMPUTE_BOUND, OP_IO_BOUND, OP_NETWORK_BOUND, tileCacheMetric, tileRecycler
      • Fields inherited from class

        colorModel, eventManager, height, minX, minY, properties, sampleModel, tileFactory, tileGridXOffset, tileGridYOffset, tileHeight, tileWidth, width
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      protected abstract void computeProductData​(ProductData productData, Rectangle region)
      Computes the target pixel data for this level image.
      protected void computeRect​([] sourceImages, WritableRaster tile, Rectangle destRect)  
      protected static void copyLine​(int y, int destWidth, ProductData src, ProductData dest, int[] sourceCoords)  
      protected ProductData getGeophysicalProductData​(RasterDataNode band, Rectangle region)
      Utility method that allows to retrieve data from a raster data node whose geophysical image shares the same multi-level model (aka image pyramid model).
      RasterDataNode getRasterDataNode()  
      protected ProductData getRawProductData​(RasterDataNode band, Rectangle region)
      Utility method that allows to retrieve data from a raster data node whose source image shares the same multi-level model (aka image pyramid model).
      protected int[] getSourceCoords​(int sourceLength, int targetLength)
      Utility method which computes source (offset) coordinates for a given source and target lengths.
      String toString()  
      • Methods inherited from class

        computesUniqueTiles, computeTile, mapDestRect, mapSourceRect
      • Methods inherited from class

        addTileToCache, cancelTiles, createTile, dispose, getExpandedNumBands, getFormatTags, getOperationComputeType, getTile, getTileCache, getTileCacheMetric, getTileDependencies, getTileFromCache, getTileRecycler, getTiles, hasExtender, mapDestPoint, mapSourcePoint, prefetchTiles, queueTiles, recycleTile, setTileCache, vectorize, vectorize, vectorize
      • Methods inherited from class

        addPropertyChangeListener, addPropertyChangeListener, addSink, addSink, addSource, addTileComputationListener, copyData, copyData, copyExtendedData, createColorModel, createSnapshot, createWritableRaster, finalize, getAsBufferedImage, getAsBufferedImage, getBounds, getColorModel, getData, getData, getDefaultColorModel, getExtendedData, getGraphics, getHeight, getImageID, getMaxTileX, getMaxTileY, getMaxX, getMaxY, getMinTileX, getMinTileY, getMinX, getMinY, getNumBands, getNumSources, getNumXTiles, getNumYTiles, getProperties, getProperty, getPropertyClass, getPropertyNames, getPropertyNames, getSampleModel, getSinks, getSource, getSourceImage, getSourceObject, getSources, getSplits, getTileComputationListeners, getTileFactory, getTileGridXOffset, getTileGridYOffset, getTileHeight, getTileIndices, getTileRect, getTiles, getTileWidth, getWidth, overlapsMultipleTiles, removeProperty, removePropertyChangeListener, removePropertyChangeListener, removeSink, removeSink, removeSinks, removeSource, removeSources, removeTileComputationListener, setImageLayout, setProperties, setProperty, setSource, setSources, tileXToX, tileXToX, tileYToY, tileYToY, wrapRenderedImage, XToTileX, XToTileX, YToTileY, YToTileY
    • Method Detail

      • getRasterDataNode

        public RasterDataNode getRasterDataNode()
        The target raster data node.
      • getGeophysicalProductData

        protected ProductData getGeophysicalProductData​(RasterDataNode band,
                                                        Rectangle region)
        Utility method that allows to retrieve data from a raster data node whose geophysical image shares the same multi-level model (aka image pyramid model).
        band - A raster data node whose geophysical image shares the same multi-level model.
        region - The region in pixel coordinates of the given resolution level (see SingleBandedOpImage.getLevel()).
        The retrieved pixel data in geophysical units.
        See Also:
        getRawProductData(RasterDataNode, java.awt.Rectangle)
      • computeRect

        protected void computeRect​([] sourceImages,
                                   WritableRaster tile,
                                   Rectangle destRect)
        computeRect in class
      • computeProductData

        protected abstract void computeProductData​(ProductData productData,
                                                   Rectangle region)
                                            throws IOException
        Computes the target pixel data for this level image.
        productData - The target pixel buffer to write to. The number of elements in this buffer will always be region.width * region.height.
        region - The target region in pixel coordinates valid for this image level.
        IOException - May be thrown if an I/O error occurs during the computation.
      • toString

        public String toString()
        toString in class
      • getSourceCoords

        protected int[] getSourceCoords​(int sourceLength,
                                        int targetLength)
        Utility method which computes source (offset) coordinates for a given source and target lengths.
        sourceLength - The source length in source pixel units.
        targetLength - The target length in target pixel units.
        An array of size targetLength containing source (offset) coordinates.
      • copyLine

        protected static void copyLine​(int y,
                                       int destWidth,
                                       ProductData src,
                                       ProductData dest,
                                       int[] sourceCoords)