Interface Tile

  • All Superinterfaces:

    public interface Tile
    extends Iterable<Tile.Pos>
    A tile represents a rectangular region of sample data within the scene rectangle of a data product. Tiles are used to enable the sample data transfer from and to the source and target bands of data products used within operator graphs.

    Target tiles to be computed are passed into an Operator's computeTile and computeTileStack computeTileStack} methods. Source tiles are obtained by using the getSourceTile method.

    Three ways are provided to access and manipulate the sample data of a target tile:

    (1) This is the simplest (but also slowest) way to modify sample data of a tile:

       for (int y = tile.getMinY(); y <= tile.getMaxY(); y++) {
           for (int x = tile.getMinX(); x <= tile.getMaxX(); x++) {
               // compute sample value...
               tile.setSample(x, y, sample);
    which can also be written even simpler using a tile iterator:
       for (Tile.Pos pos : tile) {
           // compute sample value...
           tile.setSample(pos.x, pos.y, sample);

    The methods getSampleFloat(int, int) and setSample(int, int, float) and their derivatives used in option (1) return and expect (geo-)physically scaled sample values.

    (2) More performance is gained if the sample data buffer is checked out and committed (required after modification only):

       ProductData samples = tile.getRawSamples(); // check out
       for (int y = 0; y < tile.getHeight(); y++) {
           for (int x = 0; x < tile.getWidth(); x++) {
               // compute sample value...
               samples.setElemFloatAt(y * getWidth() + x, sample);
               // ...
       tile.setRawSamples(samples); // commit

    The method getRawSamples() used in option (2) returns a writable buffer for the raw, non-calibrated sample values. Use the toGeoPhysical(float) and toRaw(float) to convert between physical and raw sample values.

    (3) The the fastest way to read from or write to sample data is to directly access the sample data via their primitive data buffers:

       float[] samples = tile.getDataBufferFloat();
       float sample;
       int offset = tile.getScanlineOffset();
       for (int y = 0; y < tile.getHeight(); y++) {
           int index = offset;
           for (int x = 0; x < tile.getWidth(); x++) {
               // compute sample value...
               samples[index] = sample;
           offset += tile.getScanlineStride();

    Note that option (3) can only be used if the exact sample data type is known or has been identified in a former step. The code snippet above implies that the underlying data type is float (because getRasterDataNode().getDataType() returns ProductData.TYPE_FLOAT32). The getDataBufferFloat() and its derivatives all return arrays of raw, non-calibrated sample values. Use the toGeoPhysical(float) and toRaw(float) to convert between physical and raw sample values.

    • Nested Class Summary

      Nested Classes 
      Modifier and Type Interface Description
      static class  Tile.Pos
      A pixel position within the tile's raster.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      ProductData getDataBuffer()
      Obtains access to the underlying raw sample buffer.
      byte[] getDataBufferByte()
      Gets the underlying raw sample array of type byte (signed or unsigned).
      double[] getDataBufferDouble()
      Gets the underlying raw sample array of type double.
      float[] getDataBufferFloat()
      Gets the underlying raw sample array of type float.
      int getDataBufferIndex​(int x, int y)
      Gets the index into the underlying raw sample buffer for the given pixel coordinates.
      int[] getDataBufferInt()
      Gets the underlying raw sample array of type int.
      short[] getDataBufferShort()
      Gets the underlying raw sample array of type short (signed or unsigned).
      int getHeight()
      Gets the height in pixels within the scene covered by the tile's RasterDataNode.
      int getMaxX()
      Gets the maximum pixel x-coordinate within the scene covered by the tile's RasterDataNode.
      int getMaxY()
      Gets the maximum pixel y-coordinate within the scene covered by the tile's RasterDataNode.
      int getMinX()
      Gets the minimum pixel x-coordinate within the scene covered by the tile's RasterDataNode.
      int getMinY()
      Gets the minimum pixel y-coordinate within the scene covered by the tile's RasterDataNode.
      RasterDataNode getRasterDataNode()
      Gets the RasterDataNode associated with this tile, e.g.
      ProductData getRawSamples()
      Gets the raw (unscaled, uncalibrated) samples, e.g.
      Rectangle getRectangle()
      Gets the tile rectangle in pixel coordinates within the scene covered by the tile's RasterDataNode.
      boolean getSampleBit​(int x, int y, int bitIndex)
      Gets the bit-coded sample value for the given pixel coordinate and the specified bit index as a boolean.
      boolean getSampleBoolean​(int x, int y)
      Gets the (geo-)physically scaled sample at the given pixel coordinate as boolean value.
      double getSampleDouble​(int x, int y)
      Gets the (geo-)physically scaled sample value for the given pixel coordinate as double.
      float getSampleFloat​(int x, int y)
      Gets the (geo-)physically scaled sample at the given pixel coordinate as float value.
      int getSampleInt​(int x, int y)
      Gets the (geo-)physically scaled sample at the given pixel coordinate as int value.
      byte[] getSamplesByte()
      Gets the scaled, (geo-)physical array of int samples, copied from or directly returning the underlying data buffer.
      double[] getSamplesDouble()
      Gets the scaled, (geo-)physical array of double samples, copied from or directly returning the underlying data buffer.
      float[] getSamplesFloat()
      Gets the scaled, (geo-)physical array of double samples, copied from or directly returning the underlying data buffer.
      int[] getSamplesInt()
      Gets the scaled, (geo-)physical array of int samples, copied from or directly returning the underlying data buffer.
      short[] getSamplesShort()
      Gets the scaled, (geo-)physical array of int samples, copied from or directly returning the underlying data buffer.
      int getScanlineOffset()
      Gets the scanline offset.
      int getScanlineStride()
      Gets the raster scanline stride for addressing the internal data buffer.
      int getWidth()
      Gets the width in pixels within the scene covered by the tile's RasterDataNode.
      boolean isSampleValid​(int x, int y)
      Checks whether or not the sample value exists and is valid at a given image pixel position.
      boolean isTarget()
      Checks if this is a target tile.
      Iterator<Tile.Pos> iterator()
      Gets an iterator which can be used to visit all pixels in the tile.
      void setRawSamples​(ProductData rawSamples)
      Sets this tile's raw (unscaled, uncalibrated) samples.
      void setSample​(int x, int y, boolean sample)
      Sets the (geo-)physically scaled sample at the given pixel coordinate from a boolean value.
      void setSample​(int x, int y, double sample)
      Sets the (geo-)physically scaled sample at the given pixel coordinate from a double value.
      void setSample​(int x, int y, float sample)
      Sets the (geo-)physically scaled sample at the given pixel coordinate from a float value.
      void setSample​(int x, int y, int sample)
      Sets the (geo-)physically scaled sample at the given pixel coordinate from a int value.
      void setSample​(int x, int y, int bitIndex, boolean sample)
      Sets the bit-coded sample at the given pixel coordinate and the specified bit index from a boolean value.
      void setSamples​(byte[] samples)
      Sets this tile's scaled, (geo-)physical samples as array of floatss.
      void setSamples​(double[] samples)
      Sets this tile's scaled, (geo-)physical samples as array of doubles.
      void setSamples​(float[] samples)
      Sets this tile's scaled, (geo-)physical samples as array of floatss.
      void setSamples​(int[] samples)
      Sets this tile's scaled, (geo-)physical samples as array of floatss.
      void setSamples​(short[] samples)
      Sets this tile's scaled, (geo-)physical samples as array of floatss.
      double toGeoPhysical​(double rawSample)
      Converts a raw sample value (e.g.
      float toGeoPhysical​(float rawSample)
      Converts a raw sample value (e.g.
      double toRaw​(double sample)
      Converts a (geo-)physically scaled sample value of type double to a its corresponding raw sample value (e.g.
      float toRaw​(float sample)
      Converts a (geo-)physically scaled sample value of type float to a its corresponding raw sample value (e.g.
    • Method Detail

      • getRasterDataNode

        RasterDataNode getRasterDataNode()
        Gets the RasterDataNode associated with this tile, e.g. a Band for source and target tiles or TiePointGrid for a source tile.
        The RasterDataNode associated with this tile.
      • isTarget

        boolean isTarget()
        Checks if this is a target tile. Non-target tiles are read only.
        true if this is a target tile.
      • toGeoPhysical

        float toGeoPhysical​(float rawSample)
        Converts a raw sample value (e.g. digital counts) to a (geo-)physically scaled sample value of type float.
        rawSample - The raw sample value.
        The calibrated sample value.
      • toGeoPhysical

        double toGeoPhysical​(double rawSample)
        Converts a raw sample value (e.g. digital counts) to a (geo-)physically scaled sample value of type double.
        rawSample - The raw sample value.
        The calibrated sample value.
      • toRaw

        float toRaw​(float sample)
        Converts a (geo-)physically scaled sample value of type float to a its corresponding raw sample value (e.g. digital counts).
        sample - The calibrated sample value.
        The raw sample value.
      • toRaw

        double toRaw​(double sample)
        Converts a (geo-)physically scaled sample value of type double to a its corresponding raw sample value (e.g. digital counts).
        sample - The calibrated sample value.
        The raw sample value.
      • getRectangle

        Rectangle getRectangle()
        Gets the tile rectangle in pixel coordinates within the scene covered by the tile's RasterDataNode. Simply returns new Rectangle( minX, minY, width, height).
        The tile rectangle in pixel coordinates.
      • getMinX

        int getMinX()
        Gets the minimum pixel x-coordinate within the scene covered by the tile's RasterDataNode.
        The minimum pixel x-coordinate.
      • getMaxX

        int getMaxX()
        Gets the maximum pixel x-coordinate within the scene covered by the tile's RasterDataNode.
        The maximum pixel x-coordinate.
      • getMinY

        int getMinY()
        Gets the minimum pixel y-coordinate within the scene covered by the tile's RasterDataNode.
        The minimum pixel y-coordinate.
      • getMaxY

        int getMaxY()
        Gets the maximum pixel y-coordinate within the scene covered by the tile's RasterDataNode.
        The maximum pixel y-coordinate.
      • getWidth

        int getWidth()
        Gets the width in pixels within the scene covered by the tile's RasterDataNode.
        The width in pixels.
      • getHeight

        int getHeight()
        Gets the height in pixels within the scene covered by the tile's RasterDataNode.
        The height in pixels.
      • getDataBufferIndex

        int getDataBufferIndex​(int x,
                               int y)
        Gets the index into the underlying raw sample buffer for the given pixel coordinates.

        The pixel coordinates are absolute; meaning they are defined in the scene raster coordinate system of this tile's RasterDataNode.

        The returned index is computed as follows:

           int dx = x - getMinX();
           int dy = y - getMinY();
           int index = getScanlineOffset() + dy * getScanlineStride() + dx;
        x - The absolute pixel x-coordinate, must be greater or equal getMinX() and less or equal getMaxX().
        y - The absolute pixel y-coordinate, must be greater or equal getMinY() and less or equal getMaxY().
        an index into the underlying data buffer
      • getDataBuffer

        ProductData getDataBuffer()

        Obtains access to the underlying raw sample buffer. The data buffer holds the raw (unscaled, uncalibrated) sample data (e.g. detector counts). Elements in this array must be addressed by an index computed via the scanlineStride and scanlineOffset properties. The index can also be directly computed using the getDataBufferIndex(int, int) method.

        The most efficient way to access and/or modify the samples in the raw data buffer is using the following nested loops:

           int lineStride = tile.getScanlineStride();
           int lineOffset = tile.getScanlineOffset();
           for (int y = tile.getMinY(); y <= tile.getMaxY(); y++) {
              int index = lineOffset;
              for (int x = tile.getMinX(); x <= tile.getMaxX(); x++) {
                   // use index here to access raw data buffer...
               lineOffset += lineStride;

        If the absolute x,y pixel coordinates are not required, the following construct maybe more readable:

           int lineStride = tile.getScanlineStride();
           int lineOffset = tile.getScanlineOffset();
           for (int y = 0; y < tile.getHeight(); y++) {
              int index = lineOffset;
              for (int x = 0; x < tile.getWidth(); x++) {
                   // use index here to access raw data buffer...
               lineOffset += lineStride;
        the sample data
      • getDataBufferByte

        byte[] getDataBufferByte()
        Gets the underlying raw sample array of type byte (signed or unsigned). If the underlying data buffer is not of type byte, null is returned.

        Refer to getDataBuffer() for using the primitive array.

        The underlying data buffer's primitive array, or null (see above).
        See Also:
        getDataBufferIndex(int, int), getDataBuffer()
      • getDataBufferShort

        short[] getDataBufferShort()
        Gets the underlying raw sample array of type short (signed or unsigned). If the underlying data buffer is not of type short, null is returned.

        Refer to getDataBuffer() for using the primitive array.

        The underlying data buffer's primitive array, or null (see above).
        See Also:
        getDataBufferIndex(int, int), getDataBuffer()
      • getDataBufferInt

        int[] getDataBufferInt()
        Gets the underlying raw sample array of type int. If the underlying data buffer is not of type int, null is returned.

        Refer to getDataBuffer() for using the primitive array.

        The underlying data buffer's primitive array, or null (see above).
        See Also:
        getDataBufferIndex(int, int), getDataBuffer()
      • getDataBufferFloat

        float[] getDataBufferFloat()
        Gets the underlying raw sample array of type float. If the underlying data buffer is not of type float, null is returned.

        Refer to getDataBuffer() for using the primitive array.

        The underlying data buffer's primitive array, or null (see above).
        See Also:
        getDataBufferIndex(int, int), getDataBuffer()
      • getDataBufferDouble

        double[] getDataBufferDouble()
        Gets the underlying raw sample array of type double. If the underlying data buffer is not of type double, null is returned.

        Refer to getDataBuffer() for using the primitive array.

        The underlying data buffer's primitive array, or null (see above).
        See Also:
        getDataBufferIndex(int, int), getDataBuffer()
      • getScanlineOffset

        int getScanlineOffset()
        Gets the scanline offset. The scanline offset is the index to the first valid sample element in the data buffer.
        The raster scanline offset.
        See Also:
      • getScanlineStride

        int getScanlineStride()
        Gets the raster scanline stride for addressing the internal data buffer. The scanline stride is added to the scanline offset in order to compute offsets of subsequent scanlines.
        The raster scanline stride.
        See Also:
      • getRawSamples

        ProductData getRawSamples()
        Gets the raw (unscaled, uncalibrated) samples, e.g. detector counts, copied from or wrapping the underlying data buffer. In contradiction to the getDataBuffer() method, the returned samples will cover exactly the region getRectangle() rectangle} of this tile. Thus, the number of returned samples will always equal width * height.

        In order to apply changes of the samples values to this tile, it is mandatory to call setRawSamples(ProductData) with the modified ProductData instance.

        The raw samples copied from or wrapping the underlying data buffer.
      • setRawSamples

        void setRawSamples​(ProductData rawSamples)
        Sets this tile's raw (unscaled, uncalibrated) samples. The number of given samples must be equal width * height of this tile.

        This method must be used in order to apply changes made to the samples returned by the getRawSamples() method.

        rawSamples - The raw samples to be set.
      • getSamplesByte

        byte[] getSamplesByte()
        Gets the scaled, (geo-)physical array of int samples, copied from or directly returning the underlying data buffer. In contradiction to the getDataBuffer() method, the returned samples will cover exactly the region getRectangle() rectangle} of this tile. Thus, the number of returned samples will always equal width * height.

        Sample values that are masked out (see isSampleValid(int, int)) are set to zero.

        The (geo-)physical samples computed from the underlying raw data buffer.
        BEAM 5.0
        See Also:
      • getSamplesShort

        short[] getSamplesShort()
        Gets the scaled, (geo-)physical array of int samples, copied from or directly returning the underlying data buffer. In contradiction to the getDataBuffer() method, the returned samples will cover exactly the region getRectangle() rectangle} of this tile. Thus, the number of returned samples will always equal width * height.

        Sample values that are masked out (see isSampleValid(int, int)) are set to zero.

        The (geo-)physical samples computed from the underlying raw data buffer.
        BEAM 5.0
        See Also:
      • getSamplesInt

        int[] getSamplesInt()
        Gets the scaled, (geo-)physical array of int samples, copied from or directly returning the underlying data buffer. In contradiction to the getDataBuffer() method, the returned samples will cover exactly the region getRectangle() rectangle} of this tile. Thus, the number of returned samples will always equal width * height.

        Sample values that are masked out (see isSampleValid(int, int)) are set to zero.

        The (geo-)physical samples computed from the underlying raw data buffer.
        BEAM 4.8
        See Also:
      • getSamplesFloat

        float[] getSamplesFloat()
        Gets the scaled, (geo-)physical array of double samples, copied from or directly returning the underlying data buffer. In contradiction to the getDataBuffer() method, the returned samples will cover exactly the region getRectangle() rectangle} of this tile. Thus, the number of returned samples will always equal width * height.

        Sample values that are masked out (see isSampleValid(int, int)) are set to Float.NaN.

        The (geo-)physical samples computed from the underlying raw data buffer.
        See Also:
      • getSamplesDouble

        double[] getSamplesDouble()
        Gets the scaled, (geo-)physical array of double samples, copied from or directly returning the underlying data buffer. In contradiction to the getDataBuffer() method, the returned samples will cover exactly the region getRectangle() rectangle} of this tile. Thus, the number of returned samples will always equal width * height.

        Sample values that are masked out (see isSampleValid(int, int)) are set to Double.NaN.

        The (geo-)physical samples computed from the underlying raw data buffer.
        See Also:
      • setSamples

        void setSamples​(byte[] samples)
        Sets this tile's scaled, (geo-)physical samples as array of floatss. The number of given samples must be equal width * height of this tile.
        samples - The (geo-)physical samples to be set.
        BEAM 5.0
        See Also:
      • setSamples

        void setSamples​(short[] samples)
        Sets this tile's scaled, (geo-)physical samples as array of floatss. The number of given samples must be equal width * height of this tile.
        samples - The (geo-)physical samples to be set.
        BEAM 5.0
        See Also:
      • setSamples

        void setSamples​(int[] samples)
        Sets this tile's scaled, (geo-)physical samples as array of floatss. The number of given samples must be equal width * height of this tile.
        samples - The (geo-)physical samples to be set.
        BEAM 4.8
        See Also:
      • setSamples

        void setSamples​(float[] samples)
        Sets this tile's scaled, (geo-)physical samples as array of floatss. The number of given samples must be equal width * height of this tile.
        samples - The (geo-)physical samples to be set.
        See Also:
      • setSamples

        void setSamples​(double[] samples)
        Sets this tile's scaled, (geo-)physical samples as array of doubles. The number of given samples must be equal width * height of this tile.

        This method must be used in order to apply changes made to the samples returned by the getRawSamples() method.

        samples - The (geo-)physical samples to be set.
        See Also:
      • isSampleValid

        boolean isSampleValid​(int x,
                              int y)
        Checks whether or not the sample value exists and is valid at a given image pixel position.
        x - the image pixel x-coordinate
        y - the image pixel y-coordinate
        true, if the sample exists and is valid
        BEAM 4.7.1
      • getSampleBoolean

        boolean getSampleBoolean​(int x,
                                 int y)
        Gets the (geo-)physically scaled sample at the given pixel coordinate as boolean value.

        If the underlying data buffer is of a different sample data type, an appropriate type conversion is performed.

        Note that in most cases, accessing the tile's dataBuffer directly in conjunction with the scanlineOffset and scanlineStride properties gives a better performance.

        x - The absolute pixel x-coordinate, must be greater or equal getMinX() and less or equal getMaxX().
        y - The absolute pixel y-coordinate, must be greater or equal getMinY() and less or equal getMaxY().
        The (geo-)physical sample as boolean value.
      • setSample

        void setSample​(int x,
                       int y,
                       boolean sample)
        Sets the (geo-)physically scaled sample at the given pixel coordinate from a boolean value.

        If the underlying data buffer is of a different sample data type, an appropriate type conversion is performed.

        Note that in most cases, accessing the tile's dataBuffer directly in conjunction with the scanlineOffset and scanlineStride properties gives a better performance.

        x - The absolute pixel x-coordinate, must be greater or equal getMinX() and less or equal getMaxX().
        y - The absolute pixel y-coordinate, must be greater or equal getMinY() and less or equal getMaxY().
        sample - The (geo-)physically scaled sample as boolean value.
      • getSampleInt

        int getSampleInt​(int x,
                         int y)
        Gets the (geo-)physically scaled sample at the given pixel coordinate as int value.

        If the underlying data buffer is of a different sample data type, an appropriate type conversion is performed.

        Note that in most cases, accessing the tile's dataBuffer directly in conjunction with the scanlineOffset and scanlineStride properties gives a better performance.

        x - The absolute pixel x-coordinate, must be greater or equal getMinX() and less or equal getMaxX().
        y - The absolute pixel y-coordinate, must be greater or equal getMinY() and less or equal getMaxY().
        The (geo-)physically scaled sample as int value.
      • setSample

        void setSample​(int x,
                       int y,
                       int sample)
        Sets the (geo-)physically scaled sample at the given pixel coordinate from a int value.

        If the underlying data buffer is of a different sample data type, an appropriate type conversion is performed. The conversion ensures that no overflow happens. If necessary the value is cropped to the value range.

        Note that in most cases, accessing the tile's dataBuffer directly in conjunction with the scanlineOffset and scanlineStride properties gives a better performance.

        x - The absolute pixel x-coordinate, must be greater or equal getMinX() and less or equal getMaxX().
        y - The absolute pixel y-coordinate, must be greater or equal getMinY() and less or equal getMaxY().
        sample - The (geo-)physically scaled sample as int value.
      • getSampleFloat

        float getSampleFloat​(int x,
                             int y)
        Gets the (geo-)physically scaled sample at the given pixel coordinate as float value.

        If the underlying data buffer is of a different sample data type, an appropriate type conversion is performed.

        Note that in most cases it is more performant to directly access the tile's dataBuffer in conjunction with the scanlineOffset and scanlineStride properties.

        x - The absolute pixel x-coordinate, must be greater or equal getMinX() and less or equal getMaxX().
        y - The absolute pixel y-coordinate, must be greater or equal getMinY() and less or equal getMaxY().
        The (geo-)physically scaled sample as float value.
      • setSample

        void setSample​(int x,
                       int y,
                       float sample)
        Sets the (geo-)physically scaled sample at the given pixel coordinate from a float value.

        If the underlying data buffer is of a different sample data type, an appropriate type conversion is performed. The conversion ensures that no overflow happens. If necessary the value is cropped to the value range.

        Note that in most cases, accessing the tile's dataBuffer directly in conjunction with the scanlineOffset and scanlineStride properties gives a better performance.

        x - The absolute pixel x-coordinate, must be greater or equal getMinX() and less or equal getMaxX().
        y - The absolute pixel y-coordinate, must be greater or equal getMinY() and less or equal getMaxY().
        sample - The (geo-)physically scaled sample as float value.
      • getSampleDouble

        double getSampleDouble​(int x,
                               int y)
        Gets the (geo-)physically scaled sample value for the given pixel coordinate as double.

        If the underlying data buffer is of a different sample data type, an appropriate type conversion is performed.

        Note that in most cases, accessing the tile's dataBuffer directly in conjunction with the scanlineOffset and scanlineStride properties gives a better performance.

        x - The absolute pixel x-coordinate, must be greater or equal getMinX() and less or equal getMaxX().
        y - The absolute pixel y-coordinate, must be greater or equal getMinY() and less or equal getMaxY().
        The (geo-)physically scaled sample as double value.
      • setSample

        void setSample​(int x,
                       int y,
                       double sample)
        Sets the (geo-)physically scaled sample at the given pixel coordinate from a double value.

        If the underlying data buffer is of a different sample data type, an appropriate type conversion is performed. The conversion ensures that no overflow happens. If necessary the value is cropped to the value range.

        Note that in most cases, accessing the tile's dataBuffer directly in conjunction with the scanlineOffset and scanlineStride properties gives a better performance.

        x - The absolute pixel x-coordinate, must be greater or equal getMinX() and less or equal getMaxX().
        y - The absolute pixel y-coordinate, must be greater or equal getMinY() and less or equal getMaxY().
        sample - The (geo-)physically scaled sample as double value.
      • getSampleBit

        boolean getSampleBit​(int x,
                             int y,
                             int bitIndex)
        Gets the bit-coded sample value for the given pixel coordinate and the specified bit index as a boolean.

        If the underlying data buffer is of a different sample data type, an appropriate type conversion is performed.

        Note that in most cases it is more performant to directly access the tile's dataBuffer in conjunction with the scanlineOffset and scanlineStride properties.

        x - The absolute pixel x-coordinate, must be greater or equal getMinX() and less or equal getMaxX().
        y - The absolute pixel y-coordinate, must be greater or equal getMinY() and less or equal getMaxY().
        bitIndex - The bit index.
        The sample as boolean value.
      • setSample

        void setSample​(int x,
                       int y,
                       int bitIndex,
                       boolean sample)
        Sets the bit-coded sample at the given pixel coordinate and the specified bit index from a boolean value.

        If the underlying data buffer is of a different sample data type, an appropriate type conversion is performed.

        Note that in most cases it is more performant to directly access the tile's dataBuffer in conjunction with the scanlineOffset and scanlineStride properties.

        x - The absolute pixel x-coordinate, must be greater or equal getMinX() and less or equal getMaxX().
        y - The absolute pixel y-coordinate, must be greater or equal getMinY() and less or equal getMaxY().
        bitIndex - The bit index.
        sample - The sample as boolean value.
      • iterator

        Iterator<Tile.Pos> iterator()
        Gets an iterator which can be used to visit all pixels in the tile. The method allows this tile to be the target of the Java "foreach" statement. Using the tile as an iterator in a single loop
         for (Tile.Pos pos: tile) {
            int x = pos.x;
            int y = pos.y;
            // ...
        is equivalent to iterating over all pixels using two nested loops
         for (int y = tile.getMinY(); y <= tile.getMaxY(); y++) {
             for (int x = tile.getMinX(); x <= tile.getMaxX(); x++) {
                 // ...
        Specified by:
        iterator in interface Iterable<Tile.Pos>