Class TiePointGridPointing

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public final class TiePointGridPointing
    extends Object
    implements Pointing
    A Pointing which uses tie-point grids to compute the geometry for a given pixel position.
    $Revision$ $Date$
    • Constructor Detail

      • TiePointGridPointing

        public TiePointGridPointing​(GeoCoding geoCoding,
                                    TiePointGrid szGrid,
                                    TiePointGrid saGrid,
                                    TiePointGrid vzGrid,
                                    TiePointGrid vaGrid,
                                    TiePointGrid elGrid)
        Constructs a new pointing based on tie-point grids.
        geoCoding - the geo-coding, must not be null
        szGrid - the sun zenith tie-point grid, can be null
        saGrid - the sun azimuth tie-point grid, can be null
        vzGrid - the viewing zenith tie-point grid, can be null
        vaGrid - the viewing azimuth tie-point grid, can be null
        elGrid - the elevation tie-point grid, can be null
    • Method Detail

      • getGeoCoding

        public final GeoCoding getGeoCoding()
        Description copied from interface: Pointing
        Gets the geo-coding.
        Specified by:
        getGeoCoding in interface Pointing
        the geo-coding, never null.
      • getElevation

        public double getElevation​(PixelPos pixelPos)
        Description copied from interface: Pointing
        Gets the elevation above the given pixel position.

        This method is called by the Orthorectifier in the case that no ElevationModel is available.

        Note that a particular implementation is not able to retrieve a meaningful elevation, it should return zero.

        Specified by:
        getElevation in interface Pointing
        pixelPos - the pixel position
        the elevation at the given pixel position
        See Also:
      • canGetElevation

        public final boolean canGetElevation()
        Description copied from interface: Pointing
        Returns whether or not the elevation is available.
        Specified by:
        canGetElevation in interface Pointing
        true, if and only if so
      • canGetSunDir

        public final boolean canGetSunDir()
        Description copied from interface: Pointing
        Returns whether or not the sun direction is available.
        Specified by:
        canGetSunDir in interface Pointing
        true, if and only if so
      • canGetViewDir

        public final boolean canGetViewDir()
        Description copied from interface: Pointing
        Returns whether or not the viewing direction is available.
        Specified by:
        canGetViewDir in interface Pointing
        true, if and only if so
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object