Interface FigureStyle

    • Method Detail

      • getStroke

        Stroke getStroke()
        Gets the effective stroke style used for drawing the exterior of a lineal or polygonal shape. The effective paint may result from a number of different style properties.
        The effective stroke style used for drawing.
      • getStroke

        Stroke getStroke​(double scale)
        Gets the effective stroke style used for drawing the exterior of a lineal or polygonal shape. The effective paint may result from a number of different style properties.
        scale - The current model-to-view scaling.
        The effective stroke style used for drawing.
      • getStrokePaint

        Paint getStrokePaint()
        Gets the effective stroke paint used for drawing the exterior of a lineal or polygonal shape. The effective paint may result from a number of different style properties.
        The effective stroke paint used for drawing.
      • getStrokeColor

        Color getStrokeColor()
      • getStrokeOpacity

        double getStrokeOpacity()
      • getStrokeWidth

        double getStrokeWidth()
      • getFillPaint

        Paint getFillPaint()
        Gets the effective fill paint used for drawing the interior of a polygonal shape. The effective paint may result from a number of different style properties.
        The effective fill paint used for drawing.
      • getFillColor

        Color getFillColor()
      • getFillOpacity

        double getFillOpacity()
      • getSymbol

        Symbol getSymbol()
        Gets the effective point symbol used for drawing of points figures.
        The effective point symbol used for drawing.
      • getSymbolName

        String getSymbolName()
      • getSymbolImagePath

        String getSymbolImagePath()
      • getSymbolRefX

        double getSymbolRefX()
      • getSymbolRefY

        double getSymbolRefY()
      • toCssString

        String toCssString()
      • fromCssString

        void fromCssString​(String css)