Class MetadataEngineMain

  • public class MetadataEngineMain
    extends Object
    A default executable class for the metadata engine. It implements common usage of the MatadataEngine API.

    usage: java -classpath path com.bc.ceres.standalone.MetadataEngineMain -t /path/targetItem.suff -v templateX=/path/metadata.vm.txt [-v templateY=/path/report.vm.xml] [optional options] [arg1] [arg2] ...

    -m <filePath> Optional. The absolute path and name of a text file to be included. E.g. global metadata. Refer to as $metadata in velocity templates.
    -S <source>=<filePath> Optional. The absolute path and name of the source items. Could be several given by key-value-pairs. In the velocity templates the key will give you the content of the associated metadata file. The reference $sourcePaths holds a list of the input item paths.
    -t <filePath> The absolute item path (e.g. a product), the metadata file will be places next to the item with the name 'itemName-templateName.templateSuffix. Refer to as $targetPath in velocity templates.
    -v <template>=<filePath> The absolute path of the velocity templates (*.vm). Could be several given by key-value-pairs.
    Ceres 0.13.2