Class DefaultMultiLevelImage

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    MultiLevelSource, RenderedImage,,,,

    public class DefaultMultiLevelImage
    extends MultiLevelImage
    Adapts a JAI PlanarImage to the MultiLevelSource interface. The image data provided by this PlanarImage corresponds to the level zero image of the given MultiLevelSource.
    • Field Summary

      • Fields inherited from class

        colorModel, eventManager, height, minX, minY, properties, sampleModel, tileFactory, tileGridXOffset, tileGridYOffset, tileHeight, tileWidth, width
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      void dispose()
      Provides a hint that an image will no longer be accessed from a reference in user space.
      RenderedImage getImage​(int level)
      Gets the scaled image for the given resolution level.
      Shape getImageShape​(int level)
      Gets the shape of the area where this image's raster data contains valid pixels at the given resolution level.
      MultiLevelModel getModel()
      Gets the layout model for the multi-resolution image supported by this LevelImageSource.
      MultiLevelSource getSource()  
      void reset()
      Provides a hint that the level images provided so far will no longer be accessed from a reference in user space.
      • Methods inherited from class

        addPropertyChangeListener, addPropertyChangeListener, addSink, addSink, addSource, addTileComputationListener, cancelTiles, copyData, copyExtendedData, createColorModel, createSnapshot, createWritableRaster, finalize, getAsBufferedImage, getAsBufferedImage, getBounds, getColorModel, getDefaultColorModel, getExtendedData, getGraphics, getHeight, getImageID, getMaxTileX, getMaxTileY, getMaxX, getMaxY, getMinTileX, getMinTileY, getMinX, getMinY, getNumBands, getNumSources, getNumXTiles, getNumYTiles, getProperties, getProperty, getPropertyClass, getPropertyNames, getPropertyNames, getSampleModel, getSinks, getSource, getSourceImage, getSourceObject, getSources, getSplits, getTileComputationListeners, getTileFactory, getTileGridXOffset, getTileGridYOffset, getTileHeight, getTileIndices, getTileRect, getTiles, getTiles, getTileWidth, getWidth, overlapsMultipleTiles, prefetchTiles, queueTiles, removeProperty, removePropertyChangeListener, removePropertyChangeListener, removeSink, removeSink, removeSinks, removeSource, removeSources, removeTileComputationListener, setImageLayout, setProperties, setProperty, setSource, setSources, tileXToX, tileXToX, tileYToY, tileYToY, toString, wrapRenderedImage, XToTileX, XToTileX, YToTileY, YToTileY
    • Constructor Detail

      • DefaultMultiLevelImage

        public DefaultMultiLevelImage​(MultiLevelSource source)
        Constructs a new multi-level image from the given source.
        source - The multi-level image source.
      • DefaultMultiLevelImage

        public DefaultMultiLevelImage​(MultiLevelSource source,
        Constructs a new multi-level image from the given source and the image layout.
        source - The multi-level image source.
        layout - The image layout.
    • Method Detail

      • getSource

        public final MultiLevelSource getSource()
        The multi-level image source.
      • getModel

        public final MultiLevelModel getModel()
        Description copied from interface: MultiLevelSource
        Gets the layout model for the multi-resolution image supported by this LevelImageSource.
        the multi-resolution image model.
      • getImage

        public final RenderedImage getImage​(int level)
        Description copied from interface: MultiLevelSource
        Gets the scaled image for the given resolution level. The width and height of an image returned for a given level is scale times smaller than the dimensions of the image at level=0.
        level - The resolution level.
        The scaled image, must be in the range 0 to MultiLevelModel.getLevelCount()-1.
      • getImageShape

        public Shape getImageShape​(int level)
        Description copied from interface: MultiLevelSource
        Gets the shape of the area where this image's raster data contains valid pixels at the given resolution level. The method returns null, if the entire image raster contains valid pixels.
        level - The resolution level.
        The shape of the area where the image has data, can be null.
      • reset

        public void reset()
        Description copied from interface: MultiLevelSource

        Provides a hint that the level images provided so far will no longer be accessed from a reference in user space.

        Therefore implementations of this method might also dispose any cached level images that have been provided so far.

        After calling this method, a call to MultiLevelSource.getImage(int)} for the same level may return a new level image instance.

        This method is particularly useful if properties have changed that affect the appearance of the returned images at all levels, e.g. after a new color palette has been assigned or the contrast range has changed.

      • dispose

        public void dispose()
        Description copied from class: MultiLevelImage
        Provides a hint that an image will no longer be accessed from a reference in user space. The results are equivalent to those that occur when the program loses its last reference to this image, the garbage collector discovers this, and finalize is called. This can be used as a hint in situations where waiting for garbage collection would be overly conservative.

        The results of referencing an image after a call to dispose() are undefined.

        Overrides shall call super.dispose() in a final step.

        dispose in class MultiLevelImage