Interface LayerContext

  • All Known Subinterfaces:

    public interface LayerContext
    The context in which layers are managed, created and/or rendered, e.g. the view used to display multiple layers.

    By default, the context is composed of the root layer and a common coordinate reference system (CRS) shared by all layers, this is the root layer and all of its child layers and so forth.

    Instances of this interface are passed to the several methods of LayerType in order to provide special layer type implementations with access to application specific services. Therefore this interface is intended to be implemented by clients. Since implementations of this interface are application-specific, there is no default implementation.

    • Method Detail

      • getCoordinateReferenceSystem

        Object getCoordinateReferenceSystem()
        The coordinate reference system (CRS) used by all the layers in this context. The CRS defines the model coordinate system and may be used by a LayerType in order to decide whether it is can create new layer instance for this context.
        The CRS. May be null, if not used.
      • getRootLayer

        Layer getRootLayer()
        The root layer.