Interface ProcessObserver.Handler

    • Method Detail

      • onObservationStarted

        void onObservationStarted​(ProcessObserver.ObservedProcess process,
                                  ProgressMonitor pm)
        Called if the process is started being observed.
        process - The observed process.
        pm - The progress monitor, that is used to monitor the progress of the running process.
      • onStdoutLineReceived

        void onStdoutLineReceived​(ProcessObserver.ObservedProcess process,
                                  String line,
                                  ProgressMonitor pm)
        Called if a new text line that has been received from stdout.
        process - The observed process.
        line - The line.
        pm - The progress monitor, that is used to monitor the progress of the running process.
      • onStderrLineReceived

        void onStderrLineReceived​(ProcessObserver.ObservedProcess process,
                                  String line,
                                  ProgressMonitor pm)
        Called if a new text line that has been received from stderr.
        process - The observed process.
        line - The line.
        pm - The progress monitor, that is used to monitor the progress of the running process.
      • onObservationEnded

        void onObservationEnded​(ProcessObserver.ObservedProcess process,
                                Integer exitCode,
                                ProgressMonitor pm)
        Called if the process is no longer being observed.
        process - The observed process.
        exitCode - The exit code, may be null if unknown.
        pm - The progress monitor, that is used to monitor the progress of the running process.