Class IsinAPI

  • public class IsinAPI
    extends Object
    • Constructor Detail

      • IsinAPI

        public IsinAPI​(IsinAPI.Raster raster)
        Constructs the API and initializes internal parameter according to the raster dimensions passed in.
        raster - the raster dimension
    • Method Detail

      • toGlobalMap

        public IsinPoint toGlobalMap​(double lon,
                                     double lat)
        Map the geo-location (lon/lat) to the global integerized sinusoidal raster. The point returned contains the global map x and y coordinates.
        lon - longitude
        lat - latitude
        the mapped location
      • globalMapToGeo

        public IsinPoint globalMapToGeo​(double x,
                                        double y)
        Map the location (x/y) on the global integerized sinusoidal raster to the geo-location. The point returned contains the longitude and latitude coordinates in decimal degrees as x and y values.
        x - global map x coordinate
        y - global map y coordinate
        the geo-location
      • tileImageCoordinatesToGeo

        public IsinPoint tileImageCoordinatesToGeo​(double x,
                                                   double y,
                                                   int tileH,
                                                   int tileV)
        Map the location (x/y,tileH,tileV) on the tiled global integerized sinusoidal raster to the geo-location. The point returned contains the longitude and latitude coordinates in decimal degrees as x and y values. This method expects zero based tile indices as input parameters.
        x - tile x coordinate
        y - tile y coordinate
        tileH - horizontal tile index
        tileV - vertical tile index
        the mapped location
      • toTileImageCoordinates

        public IsinPoint toTileImageCoordinates​(double lon,
                                                double lat)
        Map the location (lon/lat) to the tiled global integerized sinusoidal raster. The point returned contains the map x and y coordinates within the tile and the horizontal and vertical (zero based) tile indices.
        lon - longitude
        lat - latitude
        the mapped location
      • getTileDimensions

        public IsinPoint getTileDimensions()
        Retrieves the dimensions of a tile at the selected resolution. The point returned contains the tile x and y dimensions.
        the tile dimensions