Class RasterImageLayerType

    • Constructor Detail

      • RasterImageLayerType

        public RasterImageLayerType()
    • Method Detail

      • createLayer

        public ImageLayer createLayer​(LayerContext ctx,
                                      PropertySet configuration)
        Description copied from class: LayerType
        Creates a layer instance for the given application provided context and the given layer configuration. The configuration may contain both, inmutable construction parameters passed to specific layer constructor as well as mutable layer properties.
        createLayer in class ImageLayer.Type
        ctx - An application provided context, may be null. The parameter may be ignored by many layer types.
        configuration - The layer configuration.
        A new layer instance.
      • createLayerConfig

        public PropertySet createLayerConfig​(LayerContext ctx)
        Description copied from class: LayerType
        Creates a default configuration instance for the type of layers this type can create. After a default configuration has been created it is usually modified to specify a layer's construction parameters, e.g. for an image layer this could be the file path to the image file. Then, an application will pass the configuration to the LayerType.createLayer(com.bc.ceres.glayer.LayerContext, com.bc.ceres.binding.PropertySet) method in order to create a new layer instance.
        createLayerConfig in class ImageLayer.Type
        ctx - An application provided context, may be null. The parameter may be ignored by many layer types.
        A new layer (default) configuration.