Class SingleBandedOpImage

    • Field Summary

      • Fields inherited from class

        cache, cobbleSources, OP_COMPUTE_BOUND, OP_IO_BOUND, OP_NETWORK_BOUND, tileCacheMetric, tileRecycler
      • Fields inherited from class

        colorModel, eventManager, height, minX, minY, properties, sampleModel, tileFactory, tileGridXOffset, tileGridYOffset, tileHeight, tileWidth, width
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      protected void computeRect​(Raster[] sources, WritableRaster dest, Rectangle destRect)
      Empty implementation.
      protected NoDataRaster createNoDataRaster​(double noDataValue)
      Creates a new raster containing solely no-data (non-interpretable data, missing data) samples.
      int getLevel()  
      protected LevelImageSupport getLevelImageSupport()  
      protected double getScale()  
      protected int getSourceCoord​(double targetCoord, int min, int max)  
      protected int getSourceHeight​(int targetHeight)  
      protected int getSourceWidth​(int targetWidth)  
      protected int getSourceX​(int targetX)  
      protected int getSourceY​(int targetY)  
      • Methods inherited from class

        computesUniqueTiles, computeTile, mapDestRect, mapSourceRect
      • Methods inherited from class

        addTileToCache, cancelTiles, computeRect, createTile, dispose, getExpandedNumBands, getFormatTags, getOperationComputeType, getTile, getTileCache, getTileCacheMetric, getTileDependencies, getTileFromCache, getTileRecycler, getTiles, hasExtender, mapDestPoint, mapSourcePoint, prefetchTiles, queueTiles, recycleTile, setTileCache, vectorize, vectorize, vectorize
      • Methods inherited from class

        addPropertyChangeListener, addPropertyChangeListener, addSink, addSink, addSource, addTileComputationListener, copyData, copyData, copyExtendedData, createColorModel, createSnapshot, createWritableRaster, finalize, getAsBufferedImage, getAsBufferedImage, getBounds, getColorModel, getData, getData, getDefaultColorModel, getExtendedData, getGraphics, getHeight, getImageID, getMaxTileX, getMaxTileY, getMaxX, getMaxY, getMinTileX, getMinTileY, getMinX, getMinY, getNumBands, getNumSources, getNumXTiles, getNumYTiles, getProperties, getProperty, getPropertyClass, getPropertyNames, getPropertyNames, getSampleModel, getSinks, getSource, getSourceImage, getSourceObject, getSources, getSplits, getTileComputationListeners, getTileFactory, getTileGridXOffset, getTileGridYOffset, getTileHeight, getTileIndices, getTileRect, getTiles, getTileWidth, getWidth, overlapsMultipleTiles, removeProperty, removePropertyChangeListener, removePropertyChangeListener, removeSink, removeSink, removeSinks, removeSource, removeSources, removeTileComputationListener, setImageLayout, setProperties, setProperty, setSource, setSources, tileXToX, tileXToX, tileYToY, tileYToY, toString, wrapRenderedImage, XToTileX, XToTileX, YToTileY, YToTileY
    • Constructor Detail

      • SingleBandedOpImage

        protected SingleBandedOpImage​(int dataBufferType,
                                      int sourceWidth,
                                      int sourceHeight,
                                      Dimension tileSize,
                                      Map configuration,
                                      ResolutionLevel level)
        dataBufferType - The data type.
        sourceWidth - The width of the level 0 image.
        sourceHeight - The height of the level 0 image.
        tileSize - The tile size for this image.
        configuration - The configuration map. May be null.
        level - The resolution level.
      • SingleBandedOpImage

        protected SingleBandedOpImage​(int dataBufferType,
                                      Point sourcePos,
                                      int sourceWidth,
                                      int sourceHeight,
                                      Dimension tileSize,
                                      Map configuration,
                                      ResolutionLevel level)
        dataBufferType - The data type.
        sourcePos - The position of the level 0 image. May be null.
        sourceWidth - The width of the level 0 image.
        sourceHeight - The height of the level 0 image.
        tileSize - The tile size for this image.
        configuration - The configuration map. May be null.
        level - The resolution level.
    • Method Detail

      • getLevel

        public final int getLevel()
      • getScale

        protected final double getScale()
      • getSourceX

        protected final int getSourceX​(int targetX)
      • getSourceY

        protected final int getSourceY​(int targetY)
      • getSourceWidth

        protected final int getSourceWidth​(int targetWidth)
      • getSourceHeight

        protected final int getSourceHeight​(int targetHeight)
      • getSourceCoord

        protected final int getSourceCoord​(double targetCoord,
                                           int min,
                                           int max)
      • createNoDataRaster

        protected NoDataRaster createNoDataRaster​(double noDataValue)
        Creates a new raster containing solely no-data (non-interpretable data, missing data) samples. The raster's data buffer is filled with the given no-data value.

        The raster's origin is (0, 0). In order to translate the raster, use Raster.createTranslatedChild(int x, int y).

        noDataValue - The no-data value used to fill the data buffer of the raster created.
        the raster created.
        See Also:
      • computeRect

        protected final void computeRect​(Raster[] sources,
                                         WritableRaster dest,
                                         Rectangle destRect)
        Empty implementation. Used to prevent clients from overriding it, since they shall implement OpImage.computeRect([], java.awt.image.WritableRaster, java.awt.Rectangle).
        computeRect in class
        sources - The sources.
        dest - The destination raster.
        destRect - The destination rectangle.