Class ReplaceValueOpImage

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public final class ReplaceValueOpImage
    This image replaces one value by an other value in the given source image.
    • Field Summary

      • Fields inherited from class

        cache, cobbleSources, OP_COMPUTE_BOUND, OP_IO_BOUND, OP_NETWORK_BOUND, tileCacheMetric, tileRecycler
      • Fields inherited from class

        colorModel, eventManager, height, minX, minY, properties, sampleModel, tileFactory, tileGridXOffset, tileGridYOffset, tileHeight, tileWidth, width
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      ReplaceValueOpImage​(RenderedImage sourceImage, Number oldValue, Number newValue, int targetType)
      The valueToBeReplaced are replaced by replaceValue within the sourceImage
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      protected void computeRect​(Raster[] sources, WritableRaster dest, Rectangle destRect)  
      • Methods inherited from class

        computeTile, dispose, isColormapOperation, mapDestRect, mapSourceRect, permitInPlaceOperation
      • Methods inherited from class

        addTileToCache, cancelTiles, computeRect, computesUniqueTiles, createTile, getExpandedNumBands, getFormatTags, getOperationComputeType, getTile, getTileCache, getTileCacheMetric, getTileDependencies, getTileFromCache, getTileRecycler, getTiles, hasExtender, mapDestPoint, mapSourcePoint, prefetchTiles, queueTiles, recycleTile, setTileCache, vectorize, vectorize, vectorize
      • Methods inherited from class

        addPropertyChangeListener, addPropertyChangeListener, addSink, addSink, addSource, addTileComputationListener, copyData, copyData, copyExtendedData, createColorModel, createSnapshot, createWritableRaster, finalize, getAsBufferedImage, getAsBufferedImage, getBounds, getColorModel, getData, getData, getDefaultColorModel, getExtendedData, getGraphics, getHeight, getImageID, getMaxTileX, getMaxTileY, getMaxX, getMaxY, getMinTileX, getMinTileY, getMinX, getMinY, getNumBands, getNumSources, getNumXTiles, getNumYTiles, getProperties, getProperty, getPropertyClass, getPropertyNames, getPropertyNames, getSampleModel, getSinks, getSource, getSourceImage, getSourceObject, getSources, getSplits, getTileComputationListeners, getTileFactory, getTileGridXOffset, getTileGridYOffset, getTileHeight, getTileIndices, getTileRect, getTiles, getTileWidth, getWidth, overlapsMultipleTiles, removeProperty, removePropertyChangeListener, removePropertyChangeListener, removeSink, removeSink, removeSinks, removeSource, removeSources, removeTileComputationListener, setImageLayout, setProperties, setProperty, setSource, setSources, tileXToX, tileXToX, tileYToY, tileYToY, toString, wrapRenderedImage, XToTileX, XToTileX, YToTileY, YToTileY
    • Constructor Detail

      • ReplaceValueOpImage

        public ReplaceValueOpImage​(RenderedImage sourceImage,
                                   Number oldValue,
                                   Number newValue,
                                   int targetType)
        The valueToBeReplaced are replaced by replaceValue within the sourceImage
        sourceImage - The source image.
        oldValue - The value to be replaced.
        newValue - The value replacing the old value.
        targetType - the data type of the resulting image
    • Method Detail

      • computeRect

        protected void computeRect​(Raster[] sources,
                                   WritableRaster dest,
                                   Rectangle destRect)
        computeRect in class