Class NodeSource

  • public class NodeSource
    extends Object
    A NodeSource represents a mapping from an nodeId to a Node instance. The GraphIO uses sources to simplify the xml deserialization. Use this class to set the sources of Nodes to a Node with the given nodeId. The GraphProcessor will resolve the nodeId to the respective Node if present.
    • Constructor Detail

      • NodeSource

        public NodeSource​(String name,
                          String sourceNodeId)
        Constructs a NodeSource.
        name - the name of the source
        sourceNodeId - the identifier of the source node
    • Method Detail

      • getName

        public String getName()
        Gets the name under which this source can be accessed.
      • getSourceNodeId

        public String getSourceNodeId()
        Gets the identifier of the source node.
        the identifier of the source node
      • getSourceNode

        public Node getSourceNode()
        Returns the Node instance associatied with this NodeSource.
      • setName

        public void setName​(String name)