Class SystemDependentVariable

  • public class SystemDependentVariable
    extends SystemVariable
    This class encapsulates a property that has OS-dependent values.
    • Constructor Detail

      • SystemDependentVariable

        public SystemDependentVariable​(String key,
                                       String value)
    • Method Detail

      • setValue

        public void setValue​(String value)
        Gets the property value for the current OS
        setValue in class SystemVariable
      • getWindows

        public String getWindows()
        Gets the property value for Windows
      • setWindows

        public void setWindows​(String value)
        Sets the property value for Windows
      • getLinux

        public String getLinux()
        Gets the property value for Linux
      • setLinux

        public void setLinux​(String value)
        Sets the property value for Linux
      • getMacosx

        public String getMacosx()
        Gets the property value for MacOSX
      • setMacosx

        public void setMacosx​(String value)
        Sets the property value for MacOSX
      • setTransient

        public void setTransient​(boolean value)
      • getCurrentOSValue

        public String getCurrentOSValue()