Class OperatorSpi

    • Constructor Detail

      • OperatorSpi

        protected OperatorSpi​(OperatorDescriptor operatorDescriptor)
        Constructs an operator SPI for the given operator descriptor.
        operatorDescriptor - The operator descriptor.
        BEAM 5
      • OperatorSpi

        protected OperatorSpi​(URL operatorDescriptorUrl)
        Constructs an operator SPI for the given URL pointing to a valid operator descriptor XML document.
        operatorDescriptorUrl - The operator descriptor URL.
        BEAM 5
      • OperatorSpi

        protected OperatorSpi​(Class<? extends Operator> operatorClass)
        Constructs an operator SPI for the given operator class. The alias name and other metadata will be taken from the operator annotation OperatorMetadata. If no such exists, the alias name will be the operator's class name without the package path. All other metadata will be set to the empty string.
        operatorClass - The operator class.
      • OperatorSpi

        protected OperatorSpi​(Class<? extends Operator> operatorClass,
                              String operatorAlias)
        since BEAM 5, no replacement.
        Constructs an operator SPI for the given class name and alias name.
        operatorClass - The operator class.
        operatorAlias - The alias name for the operator.
    • Method Detail

      • createOperator

        public Operator createOperator()
                                throws OperatorException

        Creates an operator instance with no arguments. The default implementation calls the default constructor. If no such is defined in the operator, an exception is thrown.

        This method may be overridden by clients in order to provide a no-argument instance of their operator. Implementors should call operator.setSpi(this) in order to set the operator's SPI.

        the operator instance
        OperatorException - if the instance could not be created
      • createOperator

        public Operator createOperator​(Map<String,​Object> parameters,
                                       Map<String,​Product> sourceProducts)
                                throws OperatorException

        Creates an operator instance for the given source products and processing parameters.

        This method may be overridden by clients in order to process the passed parameters and source products and optionally construct the operator in a specific way. Implementors should call operator.setSpi(this) in order to set the operator's SPI.

        parameters - the processing parameters.
        sourceProducts - the source products.
        the operator instance.
        OperatorException - if the operator could not be created.
      • createOperator

        public Operator createOperator​(Map<String,​Object> parameters,
                                       Map<String,​Product> sourceProducts,
                                       RenderingHints renderingHints)
                                throws OperatorException

        Creates an operator instance for the given source products and processing parameters.

        This method may be overridden by clients in order to process the passed parameters and source products and optionally construct the operator in a specific way. Implementors should call operator.setSpi(this) in order to set the operator's SPI.

        parameters - the processing parameters.
        sourceProducts - the source products.
        renderingHints - the rendering hints, may be null.
        the operator instance.
        OperatorException - if the operator could not be created.
      • getOperatorClass

        public final Class<? extends Operator> getOperatorClass()
        Gets the operator implementation class. The operator class must be public and provide a public zero-argument constructor.

        Shorthand for getOperatorDescriptor().getOperatorClass().

        The operator implementation class.
      • getOperatorAlias

        public final String getOperatorAlias()
        The alias name under which the operator can be accessed.

        Shorthand for getOperatorDescriptor().getAlias().

        The alias name of the (@link Operator), or null if not declared.
      • getModuleMetadata

        public ModuleMetadata getModuleMetadata()
        The metadata information of the module which holds the operator provided by this SPI.
        the module metadata
      • getOperatorDescriptor

        public OperatorDescriptor getOperatorDescriptor()
        The operator descriptor.
        BEAM 5
      • getOperatorAlias

        public static String getOperatorAlias​(Class<? extends Operator> operatorClass)
        Gets the alias name of the operator given by it's class. The method returns the 'alias' element of the operator's OperatorMetadata, if any. Otherwise it returns the class' simple name (without package path).
        operatorClass - The operator class.
        An operator alias name.