Class RasterDataEvalEnv

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class RasterDataEvalEnv
    extends Object
    implements EvalEnv
    Represents an evaluation environment for Terms which are operating on raster data.

    The evaluation environment is passed to the evalB, evalI and evalB methods of a Term.

    Special implementations of the Symbol and Function interfaces, such as RasterDataSymbol, can then use the environment in order to perform raster data specific evaluations.

    • Constructor Detail

      • RasterDataEvalEnv

        public RasterDataEvalEnv​(int offsetX,
                                 int offsetY,
                                 int regionWidth,
                                 int regionHeight)
        Constructs a new environment for the given raster data region. Should only be used if evaluation takes place at image level zero.
        offsetX - the x-offset of the raster region
        offsetY - the y-offset of the raster region
        regionWidth - the width of the raster region
        regionHeight - the height of the raster region
      • RasterDataEvalEnv

        public RasterDataEvalEnv​(int offsetX,
                                 int offsetY,
                                 int regionWidth,
                                 int regionHeight,
                                 LevelImageSupport levelImageSupport)
        Constructs a new environment for the given raster data region. Instances created with this constructor consider that the current data evaluation takes place at a higher image level. The methods getSourceX() and getSourceY() will return the correct pixel coordinate at level zero.
        offsetX - the x-offset of the raster region
        offsetY - the y-offset of the raster region
        regionWidth - the width of the raster region
        regionHeight - the height of the raster region
        levelImageSupport - helps to compute the source pixels at level zero
    • Method Detail

      • getOffsetX

        public int getOffsetX()
        Gets the x-offset of the raster region.
        the x-offset of the raster region
      • getOffsetY

        public int getOffsetY()
        Gets the y-offset of the raster region.
        the y-offset of the raster region.
      • getRegionWidth

        public int getRegionWidth()
        Gets the width of the raster region.
        the width of the raster region.
      • getRegionHeight

        public int getRegionHeight()
        Gets the height of the raster region.
        the height of the raster region.
      • getPixelX

        public final int getPixelX()
        Gets the absolute pixel's x-coordinate within the data raster (from image at level zero in an image pyramid).
        the current source pixel's x-coordinate
      • getPixelY

        public final int getPixelY()
        Gets the absolute pixel's y-coordinate within the data raster (from image at level zero in an image pyramid).
        the current source pixel's y-coordinate
      • getElemIndex

        public final int getElemIndex()
        Gets the index of the current data element.
        the index of the current data element
      • setElemIndex

        public void setElemIndex​(int elemIndex)
        Sets the index of the current data element.
        elemIndex - the index of the current data element