Interface TimeCoding

  • All Known Implementing Classes:
    ConstantTimeCoding, LineTimeCoding, PixelTimeCoding

    public interface TimeCoding
    The TimeCoding interface allows to convert pixel coordinates to time values and vice versa (if possible).
    SNAP 2.0
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods Default Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      default boolean canGetPixelPos()
      Determines whether this TimeCoding is capable of converting time values into pixel positions.
      double getMJD​(PixelPos pixelPos)
      Gets the time for a given pixel position as Modified Julian Day 2000 (MJD2000).
      default PixelPos getPixelPos​(double mjd, PixelPos pixelPos)
      Gets a pixel position associated with a time value given as Modified Julian Day 2000 (MJD2000).
    • Method Detail

      • getMJD

        double getMJD​(PixelPos pixelPos)
        Gets the time for a given pixel position as Modified Julian Day 2000 (MJD2000).
        pixelPos - The pixel position in units of a given raster data node
        The time as Modified Julian Day 2000 (MJD2000).
        See Also:
        ProductData.UTC.getMJD(), getPixelPos(double, PixelPos)
      • canGetPixelPos

        default boolean canGetPixelPos()
        Determines whether this TimeCoding is capable of converting time values into pixel positions.
        true, if so.
        See Also:
        getPixelPos(double, PixelPos)
      • getPixelPos

        default PixelPos getPixelPos​(double mjd,
                                     PixelPos pixelPos)
        Gets a pixel position associated with a time value given as Modified Julian Day 2000 (MJD2000).
        mjd - The time as Modified Julian Day 2000 (MJD2000).
        pixelPos - The pixel position to be modified and returned. If null a new instance will be created and returned.
        The pixel position, or null if this TimeCoding cannot compute pixel positions from time values.
        See Also:
        canGetPixelPos(), getMJD(PixelPos)