Class ProductNodeListenerAdapter

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class ProductNodeListenerAdapter
    extends Object
    implements ProductNodeListener
    A listener adapter which listens to product internal changes. This class is an emply implementation of the ProductNodeListener interface and is defined to overwrite some method you need without implementing methods which are not needed.
    $Revision$ $Date$
    • Constructor Detail

      • ProductNodeListenerAdapter

        public ProductNodeListenerAdapter()
    • Method Detail

      • nodeChanged

        public void nodeChanged​(ProductNodeEvent event)
        Overwrite this method if you want to be notified when a node changed.
        Specified by:
        nodeChanged in interface ProductNodeListener
        event - the product node which the listener to be notified
      • nodeDataChanged

        public void nodeDataChanged​(ProductNodeEvent event)
        Overwrite this method if you want to be notified when a node's data changed.
        Specified by:
        nodeDataChanged in interface ProductNodeListener
        event - the product node which the listener to be notified
      • nodeAdded

        public void nodeAdded​(ProductNodeEvent event)
        Overwrite this method if you want to be notified when a node was added.
        Specified by:
        nodeAdded in interface ProductNodeListener
        event - the product node which the listener to be notified
      • nodeRemoved

        public void nodeRemoved​(ProductNodeEvent event)
        Overwrite this method if you want to be notified when a node was removed.
        Specified by:
        nodeRemoved in interface ProductNodeListener
        event - the product node which the listener to be notified