Class DensityPlot

  • public class DensityPlot
    extends Object
    Creates an Densityplot from two given bands.
    BEAM 4.5
    $Revision$ $Date$
    • Constructor Detail

      • DensityPlot

        public DensityPlot()
    • Method Detail

      • accumulate

        public static void accumulate​(RasterDataNode raster1,
                                      double sampleMin1,
                                      double sampleMax1,
                                      RasterDataNode raster2,
                                      double sampleMin2,
                                      double sampleMax2,
                                      Mask roiMask,
                                      int width,
                                      int height,
                                      byte[] pixelValues,
                                      ProgressMonitor pm)
        Creates the data for a density plot image from two raster data nodes.
        raster1 - the first raster data node
        sampleMin1 - the minimum sample value to be considered in the first raster
        sampleMax1 - the maximum sample value to be considered in the first raster
        raster2 - the second raster data node
        sampleMin2 - the minimum sample value to be considered in the second raster
        sampleMax2 - the maximum sample value to be considered in the second raster
        roiMask - an optional mask to be used as a ROI for the computation
        width - the width of the output image
        height - the height of the output image
        pixelValues - an array which will hold the data
        pm - a progress monitor