Class MaskPersistable

    • Constructor Detail

      • MaskPersistable

        public MaskPersistable()
    • Method Detail

      • createObjectFromXml

        public final Mask createObjectFromXml​(org.jdom2.Element element,
                                              Product product)
        Description copied from interface: DimapPersistable
        Creates an object for the provided Product based on the data provided by the element.
        element - The XML element containing the information to create the object
        product - The product the created object is intended for
        the created object
      • createXmlFromObject

        public final org.jdom2.Element createXmlFromObject​(Object object)
        Description copied from interface: DimapPersistable
        Converts the object into an XML element.
        object - The object to convert
        The converted XML element
      • createImageType

        protected abstract Mask.ImageType createImageType()
      • configureMask

        protected abstract void configureMask​(Mask mask,
                                              org.jdom2.Element element,
                                              Product product)
      • configureElement

        protected abstract void configureElement​(org.jdom2.Element root,
                                                 Mask mask)
      • getChildAttributeValue

        protected static String getChildAttributeValue​(org.jdom2.Element element,
                                                       String childName,
                                                       String attributeName)