Interface ProductReaderListener

  • public interface ProductReaderListener
    This interface must be implemented by classes that want to trace the progress of a product read operation
    • Method Detail

      • handleBandRasterLineRead

        boolean handleBandRasterLineRead​(Band destBand,
                                         int destOffsetX,
                                         int destOffsetY,
                                         int destWidth,
                                         int destHeight,
                                         ProductData destBuffer,
                                         int destBufferPos)
        Called when a complete line has successfully been read.
        destBand - the destination band which identifies the data source from which to read the sample values
        destOffsetX - the X-offset in the band's raster co-ordinates
        destOffsetY - the current line (Y-offset) in the band's raster co-ordinates
        destWidth - the width of region to be read given in the band's raster co-ordinates
        destHeight - the height of region to be read given in the band's raster co-ordinates
        destBuffer - the destination buffer which receives the sample values to be read
        destBufferPos - the offset within the buffer where the line which just has been read in is stored
      • handleBandRasterRectRead

        boolean handleBandRasterRectRead​(Band destBand,
                                         int destOffsetX,
                                         int destOffsetY,
                                         int destWidth,
                                         int destHeight,
                                         ProductData destBuffer)
        destBand - the destination band which identifies the data source from which to read the sample values
        destOffsetX - the X-offset in the band's raster co-ordinates
        destOffsetY - the current line (Y-offset) in the band's raster co-ordinates
        destWidth - the width of region to be read given in the band's raster co-ordinates
        destHeight - the height of region to be read given in the band's raster co-ordinates
        destBuffer - the destination buffer which receives the sample values to be read