Class ProductFlipper

    • Constructor Detail

      • ProductFlipper

        public ProductFlipper​(int flipType)
      • ProductFlipper

        public ProductFlipper​(int flipType,
                              boolean sourceProductOwner)
    • Method Detail

      • getFlipType

        public int getFlipType()
      • close

        public void close()
                   throws IOException
        Closes the access to all currently opened resources such as file input streams and all resources of this children directly owned by this reader. Its primary use is to allow the garbage collector to perform a vanilla job.

        This method should be called only if it is for sure that this object instance will never be used again. The results of referencing an instance of this class after a call to close() are undefined.

        Overrides of this method should always call super.close(); after disposing this instance.

        Specified by:
        close in interface ProductReader
        close in class AbstractProductBuilder
        IOException - if an I/O error occurs
      • readBandRasterDataImpl

        protected void readBandRasterDataImpl​(int sourceOffsetX,
                                              int sourceOffsetY,
                                              int sourceWidth,
                                              int sourceHeight,
                                              int sourceStepX,
                                              int sourceStepY,
                                              Band destBand,
                                              int destOffsetX,
                                              int destOffsetY,
                                              int destWidth,
                                              int destHeight,
                                              ProductData destBuffer,
                                              ProgressMonitor pm)
                                       throws IOException
        The template method which is called by the readBandRasterDataSubSampling method after an optional spatial subset has been applied to the input parameters.

        The destination band, buffer and region parameters are exactly the ones passed to the original readBandRasterDataSubSampling call. Since the destOffsetX and destOffsetY parameters are already taken into acount in the sourceOffsetX and sourceOffsetY parameters, an implementor of this method is free to ignore them.

        Specified by:
        readBandRasterDataImpl in class AbstractProductReader
        sourceOffsetX - the absolute X-offset in source raster co-ordinates
        sourceOffsetY - the absolute Y-offset in source raster co-ordinates
        sourceWidth - the width of region providing samples to be read given in source raster co-ordinates
        sourceHeight - the height of region providing samples to be read given in source raster co-ordinates
        sourceStepX - the sub-sampling in X direction within the region providing samples to be read
        sourceStepY - the sub-sampling in Y direction within the region providing samples to be read
        destBand - the destination band which identifies the data source from which to read the sample values
        destOffsetX - the X-offset in the band's raster co-ordinates
        destOffsetY - the Y-offset in the band's raster co-ordinates
        destWidth - the width of region to be read given in the band's raster co-ordinates
        destHeight - the height of region to be read given in the band's raster co-ordinates
        destBuffer - the destination buffer which receives the sample values to be read
        pm - a monitor to inform the user about progress
        IOException - if an I/O error occurs
        See Also: