Interface FigureSelection

    • Method Detail

      • setSelectionStage

        void setSelectionStage​(int stage)
        Sets the current selection stage. The maximum selection stage is given by the selected figure(s).
        stage - The current selection stage.
      • getHandles

        Handle[] getHandles()
        Gets the handles associated with the current selection stage.
        1. For a single selection, the handles are the ones created by the selected figure's Figure.createHandles(int) factory method.
        2. For a multiple selection, the handles are the ones created by this figure selection's Figure.createHandles(int) factory method.
        3. If the selection is empty, an empty handle array is returned.
        The handles associated with the current selection stage.
        See Also:
      • getSelectedHandle

        Handle getSelectedHandle()
      • setSelectedHandle

        void setSelectedHandle​(Handle handle)