Class AbstractPointFigure

    • Constructor Detail

      • AbstractPointFigure

        protected AbstractPointFigure​(FigureStyle normalStyle,
                                      FigureStyle selectedStyle)
        Constructor. The rank will always be Figure.Rank.POINT.
        normalStyle - The style used for the "normal" state of the figure.
        selectedStyle - The style used for the "selected" state of the figure.
    • Method Detail

      • getSymbol

        public Symbol getSymbol()
        Gets the symbol used for the current state of the figure.
        Specified by:
        getSymbol in interface PointFigure
        The symbol used to display the point.
      • isCollection

        public boolean isCollection()
        Description copied from interface: Figure
        Tests if this figure is a figure collection.
        Specified by:
        isCollection in interface Figure
        true, if so.
      • getLocation

        public Point2D getLocation()
        Specified by:
        getLocation in interface PointFigure
        The current location in model coordinates.
      • setLocation

        public void setLocation​(Point2D location)
        Specified by:
        setLocation in interface PointFigure
        location - The current location in model coordinates.
      • setLocation

        public abstract void setLocation​(double x,
                                         double y)
      • getRadius

        public abstract double getRadius()
        The point radius in model coordinates.
      • scale

        public void scale​(Point2D point,
                          double sx,
                          double sy)
        Description copied from interface: Figure
        Scales the figure by the given scale factors.
        Specified by:
        scale in interface Figure
        scale in class AbstractFigure
        point - The reference point in model coordinates.
        sx - Scale X factor.
        sy - Scale Y factor.
      • rotate

        public void rotate​(Point2D point,
                           double theta)
        Description copied from interface: Figure
        Rotates the figure by the given angle.
        Specified by:
        rotate in interface Figure
        rotate in class AbstractFigure
        point - The reference point in model coordinates.
        theta - The rotation angle in degree.
      • move

        public void move​(double dx,
                         double dy)
        Description copied from interface: Figure
        Moves the figure by the given delta in model coordinates.
        Specified by:
        move in interface Figure
        move in class AbstractFigure
        dx - Delta X in model coordinates.
        dy - Delta Y in model coordinates.
      • getBounds

        public Rectangle2D getBounds()
        Specified by:
        getBounds in interface Figure
        The figure bounds in model coordinates.
      • isCloseTo

        public boolean isCloseTo​(Point2D point,
                                 AffineTransform m2v)
        Description copied from interface: Figure
        Tests if the given point is "close to" this figure.
        Specified by:
        isCloseTo in interface Figure
        point - Point in model coordinates.
        m2v - Current model-to-view transformation.
        true, if the point is close to this figure.
      • draw

        public final void draw​(Rendering rendering)
        Description copied from interface: Figure
        Draws this figure using the given rendering.
        Specified by:
        draw in interface Figure
        rendering - The rendering used to draw the figure.
      • drawPoint

        protected void drawPoint​(Rendering rendering)
        Draws the symbol and other items that are used to graphically represent the figure, for example labels. For convenience, the rendering's drawing context is translated by the point's location, so that drawing of items can be performed in symbol coordinates using view units.
        rendering - The rendering.