Class EventDispatchThreadHangMonitor

  • public final class EventDispatchThreadHangMonitor
    extends EventQueue
    Monitors the AWT event dispatch thread for events that take longer than a certain time to be dispatched.

    The principle is to record the time at which we start processing an event, and have another thread check frequently to see if we're still processing. If the other thread notices that we've been processing a single event for too long, it prints a stack trace showing what the event dispatch thread is doing, and continues to time it until it finally finishes.

    This is useful in determining what code is causing your Java application's GUI to be unresponsive.

    The original blog can be found here
    Automatically detecting AWT event dispatch thread hangs

    • Method Detail

      • initMonitoring

        public static void initMonitoring()
        Sets up hang detection for the event dispatch thread.
      • dispatchEvent

        protected void dispatchEvent​(AWTEvent event)
        Overrides EventQueue.dispatchEvent to call our pre and post hooks either side of the system's event dispatch code.
        dispatchEvent in class EventQueue
      • main

        public static void main​(String[] args)