Class GeneralFilterFunction

    • Field Detail

      • width

        protected final int width
      • height

        protected final int height
      • xOrigin

        protected final int xOrigin
      • yOrigin

        protected final int yOrigin
      • structuringElement

        protected final boolean[] structuringElement
    • Constructor Detail

      • GeneralFilterFunction

        protected GeneralFilterFunction​(int width,
                                        int height,
                                        int xOrigin,
                                        int yOrigin,
                                        boolean[] structuringElement)
        Constructs a GeneralFilterFunction.
        width - the width of the kernel.
        height - the height of the kernel.
        xOrigin - the X coordinate of the key kernel element.
        yOrigin - the Y coordinate of the key kernel element.
        structuringElement - The structuring element with a length equal to width * height. May be null.
    • Method Detail

      • getWidth

        public final int getWidth()
        the width of the kernel.
      • getHeight

        public final int getHeight()
        the height of the kernel.
      • getXOrigin

        public final int getXOrigin()
        the X coordinate of the key kernel element.
      • getYOrigin

        public final int getYOrigin()
        the Y coordinate of the key kernel element.
      • getLeftPadding

        public final int getLeftPadding()
        the number of pixels required to the left of the key element.
      • getRightPadding

        public final int getRightPadding()
        the number of pixels required to the right of the key element.
      • getTopPadding

        public final int getTopPadding()
        the number of pixels required above the key element.
      • getBottomPadding

        public final int getBottomPadding()
        the number of pixels required below the key element.
      • getStructuringElement

        public boolean[] getStructuringElement()
      • filter

        public abstract float filter​(float[] fdata)