Interface MultiLevelModel

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface MultiLevelModel
    The MultiLevelModel class represents a layout model for multi-resolution images such as image pyramids.

    It provides the number of resolution levels, the affine transformation from image (pixel) to model coordinates and the bounds in model coordinates.

    The resolution level is an integer number ranging from zero (the highest resolution) to getLevelCount()-1 (the lowest resolution).

    • Method Detail

      • getLevelCount

        int getLevelCount()
        Gets the number of resolution levels, which is always greater than zero.
        The number of resolution levels.
      • getLevel

        int getLevel​(double scale)
        Gets the resolution level for a given scaling factor, e.g. level=log(scale)/log(2).
        scale - The scaling factor, will always be a greater than or equal to 1.
        The resolution level, must be in the range 0 to levelCount-1.
        See Also:
      • getScale

        double getScale​(int level)
        Gets the scale for a given resolution level, e.g. scale=pow(2,level).
        level - The resolution level, must be in the range 0 to levelCount-1.
        The scaling factor, must be greater than or equal to 1. getLevel(scale) shall return level.
        See Also:
      • getImageToModelTransform

        AffineTransform getImageToModelTransform​(int level)
        Gets a copy (non-life object) of the affine transformation from image to model coordinates for the given level.
        level - The resolution level, must be in the range 0 to levelCount-1.
        The affine transformation from image to model coordinates.
      • getModelToImageTransform

        AffineTransform getModelToImageTransform​(int level)
        Gets a copy (non-life object) of the affine transformation from model to image coordinates for the given level.
        level - The resolution level, must be in the range 0 to levelCount-1.
        The affine transformation from model to image coordinates.
      • getModelBounds

        Rectangle2D getModelBounds()
        Gets the bounding box in model coordinates.
        The bounding box, may be null if unspecified.