Interface DomConverter

  • All Known Implementing Classes:
    BandDescriptorDomConverter, DefaultDomConverter, XStreamDomConverter

    public interface DomConverter
    A DomConverter provides a strategy to convert a value of a certain type from an (XML) DOM to a Java value and vice versa. Its common use is to convert complex value types from and to XML.
    • Method Detail

      • getValueType

        Class<?> getValueType()
        Gets the value type, which may be abstract.
        The value type.
      • convertDomToValue

        Object convertDomToValue​(DomElement parentElement,
                                 Object value)
                          throws ConversionException,
        Converts a DOM to a (complex) value of the type returned by getValueType().
        parentElement - The parent DOM element.
        value - The value which receives the DOM representation of the value or null. If value is null, the method is responsible for the creation of a new instance and its configuration using the DOM.
        The converted value, never null.
        ConversionException - If the conversion fails.
        ValidationException - If the converted value is invalid.
      • convertValueToDom

        void convertValueToDom​(Object value,
                               DomElement parentElement)
                        throws ConversionException
        Converts a (complex) value of the type returned by getValueType() to its DOM representation which may be further converted to XML. The given value can be safely cast to the type returned by getValueType().
        value - The value to be converted to the DOM. Never null.
        parentElement - The parent DOM element, which receives the DOM representation of the value.
        ConversionException - If the conversion fails (e.g. not implemented).