Class ProductSubsetDialog

  • public class ProductSubsetDialog
    extends ModalDialog
    A modal dialog used to specify data product subsets.
    • Constructor Detail

      • ProductSubsetDialog

        public ProductSubsetDialog​(Window window,
                                   Product product)
        Constructs a new subset dialog.
        window - the parent window
        product - the product for which the subset is to be specified, must not be null
      • ProductSubsetDialog

        public ProductSubsetDialog​(Window window,
                                   Product product,
                                   double memWarnLimit)
        Constructs a new subset dialog.
        window - the parent window
        product - the product for which the subset is to be specified, must not be null
        memWarnLimit - the warning limit in megabytes
      • ProductSubsetDialog

        public ProductSubsetDialog​(Window window,
                                   Product product,
                                   ProductSubsetDef productSubsetDef)
        Constructs a new subset dialog.
        window - the parent window
        product - the product for which the subset is to be specified, must not be null
        productSubsetDef - the initial product subset definition, can be null
      • ProductSubsetDialog

        public ProductSubsetDialog​(Window window,
                                   Product product,
                                   ProductSubsetDef productSubsetDef,
                                   double memWarnLimit)
        Constructs a new subset dialog.
        window - the parent window
        product - the product for which the subset is to be specified, must not be null
        productSubsetDef - the initial product subset definition, can be null
        memWarnLimit - the warning limit in megabytes
    • Method Detail

      • getProduct

        public Product getProduct()
      • onOK

        protected void onOK()
        Description copied from class: AbstractDialog
        Called if the "OK" button has been clicked. The default implementation calls AbstractDialog.hide(). Clients should override this method to implement meaningful behaviour.
        onOK in class AbstractDialog
      • onCancel

        protected void onCancel()
        Description copied from class: AbstractDialog
        Called if the "Cancel" button has been clicked. The default implementation calls AbstractDialog.hide(). Clients should override this method to implement meaningful behaviour.
        onCancel in class AbstractDialog