Class ProductSceneView.RGBChannel

    • Constructor Detail

      • RGBChannel

        public RGBChannel​(Product product,
                          int width,
                          int height,
                          String name,
                          String expression,
                          Product[] products)
        Constructs a new RGB image view band.
        product - the product which takes the ownership
        width - the width of the image
        height - the height of the image
        name - the band's name
        expression - the expression
        products - the products used to evaluate the expression
      • RGBChannel

        public RGBChannel​(Product product,
                          int width,
                          int height,
                          String name,
                          String expression)
        Constructs a new RGB image view band.
        product - the product which takes the ownership
        width - the width of the image
        height - the height of the image
        name - the band's name
        expression - the expression
      • RGBChannel

        public RGBChannel​(Product product,
                          String name,
                          String expression,
                          Product[] products)
        Constructs a new RGB image view band.
        product - the product which takes the ownership
        name - the band's name
        expression - the expression
        products - the products used to evaluate the expression
      • RGBChannel

        public RGBChannel​(Product product,
                          String name,
                          String expression)
        Constructs a new RGB image view band.
        product - the product which takes the ownership
        name - the band's name
        expression - the expression