Class ProductSceneImage

    • Constructor Detail

      • ProductSceneImage

        public ProductSceneImage​(RasterDataNode raster,
                                 PropertyMap configuration,
                                 ProgressMonitor pm)
        Creates a color indexed product scene for the given product raster.
        raster - the product raster, must not be null
        configuration - a configuration
        pm - a monitor to inform the user about progress @return a color indexed product scene image
      • ProductSceneImage

        public ProductSceneImage​(RasterDataNode raster,
                                 ProductSceneView view)
        Creates a new scene image for an existing view.
        raster - The product raster.
        view - An existing view.
      • ProductSceneImage

        public ProductSceneImage​(String name,
                                 RasterDataNode redRaster,
                                 RasterDataNode greenRaster,
                                 RasterDataNode blueRaster,
                                 PropertyMap configuration,
                                 ProgressMonitor pm)
        Creates an RGB product scene for the given raster datasets.
        name - the name of the scene view
        redRaster - the product raster used for the red color component, must not be null
        greenRaster - the product raster used for the green color component, must not be null
        blueRaster - the product raster used for the blue color component, must not be null
        configuration - a configuration
        pm - a monitor to inform the user about progress @return an RGB product scene image @throws if the image creation failed due to an I/O problem