Class AbstractModalDialog

    • Constructor Detail

      • AbstractModalDialog

        protected AbstractModalDialog​(Window parent,
                                      String title,
                                      boolean isModal,
                                      String helpID)
    • Method Detail

      • buildContentPanel

        protected abstract JPanel buildContentPanel​(int gapBetweenColumns,
                                                    int gapBetweenRows)
      • buildButtonsPanel

        protected abstract JPanel buildButtonsPanel​(ActionListener cancelActionListener)
      • close

        public void close()
        Description copied from class: AbstractDialog
        This method is called, when the user clicks the close button of the dialog's top window bar. It can also be called directly. Override to implement the dialog's default close behaviour.
        Specified by:
        close in interface MessageDialog
        Specified by:
        close in class AbstractDialog
      • show

        public final int show()
        Description copied from class: AbstractDialog
        Shows the dialog. Overrides shall call at the end.
        show in class AbstractDialog
        the identifier of the last button pressed or zero if this is a modeless dialog.
      • getDefaultGapBetweenContentAndButtonPanels

        protected int getDefaultGapBetweenContentAndButtonPanels()
      • getDefaultContentPanelMargins

        protected int getDefaultContentPanelMargins()
      • getDefaultGapBetweenRows

        protected int getDefaultGapBetweenRows()
      • getDefaultGapBetweenColumns

        protected int getDefaultGapBetweenColumns()
      • buildDefaultTextFieldMargins

        protected final Insets buildDefaultTextFieldMargins()
      • buildDefaultListItemMargins

        protected final Insets buildDefaultListItemMargins()
      • addComponentToAllwaysEnabledList

        protected final void addComponentToAllwaysEnabledList​(JComponent component)
      • setEnabledComponentsWhileLoading

        protected void setEnabledComponentsWhileLoading​(boolean enabled)
      • getNewCurrentThreadId

        protected final int getNewCurrentThreadId()
      • onAboutToShow

        protected void onAboutToShow()
      • buildDialogBorder

        protected Border buildDialogBorder​(int margins)
      • registerEscapeKey

        protected void registerEscapeKey​(ActionListener cancelActionListener)
      • buildDialogButton

        protected final JButton buildDialogButton​(String buttonText)
      • computePanelFirstColumn

        protected static void computePanelFirstColumn​(JPanel contentPanel)