Class AbstractLayerEditor

    • Constructor Detail

      • AbstractLayerEditor

        protected AbstractLayerEditor()
    • Method Detail

      • createControl

        public final JComponent createControl​(Layer layer)
        Description copied from interface: LayerEditor
        Creates the control for the user interface which is displayed in the Layer Editor Toolview.
        Specified by:
        createControl in interface LayerEditor
        layer - The layer to create the control for.
        The control.
      • handleEditorAttached

        public void handleEditorAttached()
        Description copied from interface: LayerEditor
        Called y the framework in order to inform this editor that it has been attached to the Layer Editor Toolview.
        Specified by:
        handleEditorAttached in interface LayerEditor
      • handleEditorDetached

        public void handleEditorDetached()
        Description copied from interface: LayerEditor
        Called y the framework in order to inform this editor that it has been detached from the Layer Editor Toolview.
        Specified by:
        handleEditorDetached in interface LayerEditor
      • handleLayerContentChanged

        public void handleLayerContentChanged()
        Description copied from interface: LayerEditor
        Called y the framework in order to inform this editor that the current layer has changed. Usually the the editor control must be updated in this case.
        Specified by:
        handleLayerContentChanged in interface LayerEditor
      • createControl

        protected abstract JComponent createControl()
        Creates the editor control for this editor.
        The editor control.
      • getCurrentLayer

        protected Layer getCurrentLayer()
        The current layer.