Class FileArrayEditor

  • public class FileArrayEditor
    extends Object
    An UI-Component which represents a product file list with the ability to add and remove files.
    • Constructor Detail

      • FileArrayEditor

        public FileArrayEditor​(FileArrayEditor.EditorParent parent,
                               String label)
        Constructs the object with default values
        parent - the parent editor
        label - the label for this editor
    • Method Detail

      • getUI

        public JComponent getUI()
        Retrieves the editor UI.
        the editor UI
      • setFiles

        public void setFiles​(List<File> files)
        Sets the list of files to be edited. The list currently held is overwritten.
        files - List of Files to be set
      • getFiles

        public List<File> getFiles()
        Retrieves the list of files currently edited
        a List of currently edited Files
      • createRemoveFileButton

        public JButton createRemoveFileButton()
      • createAddFileButton

        public JButton createAddFileButton()
      • createFileArrayComponent

        public JComponent createFileArrayComponent()
      • createFileChooserDialog

        protected JFileChooser createFileChooserDialog()