Class RegionSelectableWorldMapPane

  • public class RegionSelectableWorldMapPane
    extends Object
    This class wraps a WorldMapPane and extends it by functionality to draw and resize a selection rectangle.
    • Constructor Detail

      • RegionSelectableWorldMapPane

        public RegionSelectableWorldMapPane​(WorldMapPaneDataModel dataModel,
                                            com.bc.ceres.swing.binding.BindingContext bindingContext)
        Creates a RegionSelectableWorldMapPane.
        dataModel - The data model to be used
        bindingContext - The binding context which has to contain at least the following properties: northBound , southBound, westBound, and eastBound. If all these property values are null, default values will be used. The property values are considered valid when the latitude values are within the allowed latitude range [-90, 90], the longitude values are within the allowed longitude range [-180, 180], the northBound is bigger than the southBound, the eastBound is bigger than the westBound, and no value is null. In this case, the world map will be initialized with these values.
        IllegalArgumentException - If the bindingContext is null, it does not contain the expected properties or the properties do not contain valid values
    • Method Detail

      • createUI

        public JPanel createUI()