Class NewProductDialog

    • Constructor Detail

      • NewProductDialog

        public NewProductDialog​(Window parent,
                                ProductNodeList<Product> sourceProducts,
                                int selectedSourceIndex,
                                boolean sourceProductOwner)
      • NewProductDialog

        public NewProductDialog​(Window parent,
                                ProductNodeList<Product> sourceProducts,
                                int selectedSourceIndex,
                                boolean sourceProductOwner,
                                String prefix)
    • Method Detail

      • show

        public int show()
        Description copied from class: AbstractDialog
        Shows the dialog. Overrides shall call at the end.
        show in class AbstractDialog
        the identifier of the last button pressed or zero if this is a modeless dialog.
      • isSourceProductOwner

        public boolean isSourceProductOwner()
      • getSourceProduct

        public Product getSourceProduct()
      • getResultProduct

        public Product getResultProduct()
      • onCancel

        protected void onCancel()
        Description copied from class: AbstractDialog
        Called if the "Cancel" button has been clicked. The default implementation calls AbstractDialog.hide(). Clients should override this method to implement meaningful behaviour.
        onCancel in class AbstractDialog
      • onOK

        protected void onOK()
        Description copied from class: AbstractDialog
        Called if the "OK" button has been clicked. The default implementation calls AbstractDialog.hide(). Clients should override this method to implement meaningful behaviour.
        onOK in class AbstractDialog
      • getException

        public Exception getException()
      • verifyUserInput

        protected boolean verifyUserInput()
        Description copied from class: AbstractDialog
        Called in order to perform input validation.
        verifyUserInput in class AbstractDialog
        true if and only if the validation was successful.