Class PlacemarkDialog

  • public class PlacemarkDialog
    extends ModalDialog
    A dialog used to create new placemarks or edit existing placemarks.
    • Constructor Detail

      • PlacemarkDialog

        public PlacemarkDialog​(Window parent,
                               Product product,
                               PlacemarkDescriptor placemarkDescriptor,
                               boolean switchGeoAndPixelPositionsEditable)
    • Method Detail

      • getProduct

        public Product getProduct()
      • onOK

        protected void onOK()
        Description copied from class: AbstractDialog
        Called if the "OK" button has been clicked. The default implementation calls AbstractDialog.hide(). Clients should override this method to implement meaningful behaviour.
        onOK in class AbstractDialog
      • getName

        public String getName()
      • setName

        public void setName​(String name)
      • getLabel

        public String getLabel()
      • setLabel

        public void setLabel​(String label)
      • getDescription

        public String getDescription()
      • setDescription

        public void setDescription​(String description)
      • getStyleCss

        public String getStyleCss()
      • getPixelX

        public double getPixelX()
      • setPixelX

        public void setPixelX​(double pixelX)
      • getPixelY

        public double getPixelY()
      • setPixelY

        public void setPixelY​(double pixelY)
      • getLat

        public double getLat()
      • setLat

        public void setLat​(double lat)
      • getLon

        public double getLon()
      • setLon

        public void setLon​(double lon)
      • getGeoPos

        public GeoPos getGeoPos()
      • setGeoPos

        public void setGeoPos​(GeoPos geoPos)
      • getPixelPos

        public PixelPos getPixelPos()
      • setPixelPos

        public void setPixelPos​(PixelPos pixelPos)
      • showEditPlacemarkDialog

        public static boolean showEditPlacemarkDialog​(Window parent,
                                                      Product product,
                                                      Placemark placemark,
                                                      PlacemarkDescriptor placemarkDescriptor)
        Shows a dialog to edit the properties of an placemark. If the placemark does not belong to a product it will be added after editing.
        parent - the parent window fo the dialog
        product - the product where the placemark is already contained or where it will be added
        placemark - the placemark to edit
        placemarkDescriptor - the descriptor of the placemark
        true if editing was successful, otherwise false.
      • main

        public static void main​(String[] args)
                         throws org.opengis.referencing.operation.TransformException,