Class ColorSchemeUtils

  • public class ColorSchemeUtils
    extends Object
    Panel handling general layer preferences. Sub-panel of the "Layer"-panel.
    • Constructor Detail

      • ColorSchemeUtils

        public ColorSchemeUtils()
    • Method Detail

      • setImageInfoToDefaultColor

        public static void setImageInfoToDefaultColor​(PropertyMap configuration,
                                                      ImageInfo defaultImageInfo,
                                                      ProductSceneView productSceneView,
                                                      boolean resetToDefaults)
        Top level method which will set the desired color palette, range and log scaling within the imageInfo of the given productSceneView.

        This is called by either the reset button within the ColorManipulation GUI or when a new View Window is opened for a band.

        defaultImageInfo -
        productSceneView -
      • isRangeFromDataNonScheme

        public static boolean isRangeFromDataNonScheme​(PropertyMap configuration)
      • getDefaultCpd

        public static File getDefaultCpd​(PropertyMap configuration)
      • getColorPalettesAuxDataDir

        public static Path getColorPalettesAuxDataDir()
      • getColorSchemesAuxDataDir

        public static Path getColorSchemesAuxDataDir()
      • getRgbProfilesAuxDataDir

        public static Path getRgbProfilesAuxDataDir()