Class BrightnessContrastData

  • public class BrightnessContrastData
    extends Object
    The BrightnessContrastData class is used to store the initial image info of the band and slider values.
    • Constructor Detail

      • BrightnessContrastData

        public BrightnessContrastData​(ImageInfo initialImageInfo)
        Constructs a new item.
        initialImageInfo - the initial image info of the displayed band
    • Method Detail

      • getInitialImageInfo

        public ImageInfo getInitialImageInfo()
        Returns the initial image info.
        the initial image info, should never be null
      • getBrightnessSliderValue

        public int getBrightnessSliderValue()
        Returns the brightness slider value.
        the brightness slider value
      • getContrastSliderValue

        public int getContrastSliderValue()
        Returns the contrast slider value.
        the contrast slider value
      • getSaturationSliderValue

        public int getSaturationSliderValue()
        Returns the saturation slider value.
        the saturation slider value
      • setInitialImageInfo

        public void setInitialImageInfo​(ImageInfo initialImageInfo)
        Sets the initial image info, before changing the current image info of the displayed band.
        initialImageInfo - the initial image info
      • setSliderValues

        public void setSliderValues​(int brightnessSliderValue,
                                    int contrastSliderValue,
                                    int saturationSliderValue)
        Sets the slider values.
        brightnessSliderValue - the brightness slider value
        contrastSliderValue - the contrast slider value
        saturationSliderValue - the saturation slider value