Class SnapApp.MaybeStopOp

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Enclosing class:

    public static class SnapApp.MaybeStopOp
    extends Object
    implements Callable
    This non-API class is public as an implementation detail. Don't use it, it may be removed anytime.

    NetBeans @OnStop: Annotation that can be applied to Runnable or Callable<Boolean> subclasses with default constructor which will be invoked during shutdown sequence or when the module is being shutdown.

    First of all call Callables are consulted to allow or deny proceeding with the shutdown.

    If the shutdown is approved, all Runnables registered are acknowledged and can perform the shutdown cleanup. The Runnables are invoked in parallel. It is guaranteed their execution is finished before the shutdown sequence is over.

    • Constructor Detail

      • MaybeStopOp

        public MaybeStopOp()